Friday, July 25, 2008


Ocean of the world is not as good as it appears from its lucrative mode, though being a part of it as human itself is a unique achievement for soul who attains this very auspicious carrier of life.

Motto of being human is nothing but to attain total bliss for here and here after.

Sound sleep results in good health is quotes of varying wise peoples but do not sleep so soundly thou wilt repent later on.

Thou wilt attain bliss if thou dost imbibe the essentials of the scriptures.

The lord is found by the means of love, eternal love, divine love, true love and bliss could only be attained through the mercy of lord.

Blemishes of self is the hurdle in the way to attain bliss, wash of all the blemishes of self with the name of lord to reach the ultimate course of life so called bliss.

Human body can not be attained again and again as per the version of true saints, why to squander it in futility. How long it takes to demolish it. From where one could have so again if acts let down the self.

Undue Plunges in sensuality is nothing more than reducing gold to ashes. So long as breath dwells in the body, one needs to realize the ultimate motto of being human; which nothing is but bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

true saints

Company of evil make one to lose his true path, it is the holy man who brings the life to the path of wisdom. It is company or association matters to life association with nice peoples make the life to have true smile where as company of wicked earn sorry figure for life.

It is quoted by the wise peoples on the subject of life if soul is burning in flames of failure and agonies goes to a true saint, a veritable pond, it drinks the divine nectar and merge in bliss.

Ultimate cool of soul is never experienced on the soil of moon, nor in heaven nor near by the forest of sandal wood, but it is experienced in the company of true saints. There is no achievement as such in life as communion with true saints.

If one terribly sad for the sake of meeting the god, then keep resolutely the company of a true saint, as god manifest himself in true saints. When a saint sprinkles the water of immortality, it enlightens the inner core of one’s in life.

The words of true saints never count to be less then any nectar for life on the planet. Just a merciful sight of true saints burns the sin of life. Just a glimpse of true saint makes one to reach at the state of bliss in life.

It is as true as any thing on the subject of life that the highest abode is nearby if one is in the company of true saint.

True saints are the very source of happiness and bliss in life.

Three fold miseries of life, mental conditions, natural influences and super natural subjection of life creates lot of hardship to life but by the blessings of true saints one remains escaped from the reach of all these three folds meant for life by illusion.

The one who take refuge in the lotus feet of true saints could felt themselves librated for here and here after.

May lord bless all?

Thanks please.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hare Rama

Due to the lack of knowledge even the unreal passes real, just as ignorance about the rope leads us to mistake it for a snake. Even so the moment we know him the world of matter vanishes, just as delusion of a dream disappears as soon as one wake up.

He does one reverence in the form of a faith, the repetition of whose name brings all kind of success with in one’s easy reach.

Lord is slayer of demons and blissful to pious soul. Lord is very home of bliss.

The ears that have not heart the glories of lord have really missed some thing unique as human.
Eyes of those who have not blessed them with the very sight of saints are as good as the sham eyes in the tail of peacock’s.
The head which has not bow down at the lotus feet of lord or true preceptor of life is just as pumpkins.
Those who have not cherished their heart with the spirit of devotion have wasted this unique mode of life as human.

Foolish, ignorant and blind wrenches, the mirror of their heart is clouded with the film of sensuality, lecherous, deceitful and glossily perverse, who have never seen an assemblage of holy men’s even in dream and have no sense of real gain and lose, only they alone can make absurd statements about the verdict of ancient books which unfold the glory of lord at its true pace.

There is no difference between qualified divinity and unqualified Brahma; so declare by the sages and the men of wisdom, the Vedas and the other ancient books. That which is attributeless and form less imperceptible and unborn becomes qualified under the influence of devotees love.

Whose very name is like sun to the darkness of error in life?

Joy and grief, knowledge and ignorance, egoism and pride are the characteristic of jiva {finite being}. Where as lord is all pervading Brahma; he is supreme bliss and personified the heist lord and most ancient being and the whole world knows it.

He who is universally known as the spirit, the fount of light, manifest in all forms and is the lord of animate and inanimate and I bow my head under his lotus feet.

I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of lord of all.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Monday, July 21, 2008

pious soul

Destiny of soul lies in the hand of god is the bare fact of life as per the version of saints. But pious soul have its own delight on the subject of life as that men of holy reputation in all the three sphere of creation and belonging to the past present and future are pygmies in to pious soul.

Those who attribute malevolence to pious soul even in heart will be ruined in this world as well as in the next.

A very glimpse of pious soul could change the climax of life to favor. Pious soul results in from the mode of acts on to life. Fairness to acts in life defines the mode of being pious. Inner pious ness evaluated through the divine spirit and external through the acts on interaction with life.

With the very invocation of pious soul all sins and errors and all the hosts of evils will be obliterated; it will bring in its train fair renown in this world and happiness hereafter.

Planet is being sustained by pious souls through their fair interactive mode and penance on the subject of life as per the version of saints.

Essence of pious soul remains in their truth and truth on its basics. Truth remains the basic of pious souls in the subject of life even under the influence of delusion. Pious soul never bothers to give up their life in order to keep their vow of love and truth. Pious soul keeps their profile delighted with the mode of sacrifice. The true meaning of love is sacrifice in one of its refine form. That’s why they are always respected in the eyes of nature and the god.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.