Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pray and perform

Mankind is prone to commit several sins with time and age whether wittingly or else but most one subject to in the stream of Maya.

Sin is sin, though definition of sin is simple still it runs on cord of doubt and duality, few sins are very clear that getting indulge in violence to feed ego is a sin. Cheating saintly soul is more than a sin.

It is knowledge alone that helps one to get rid of these sins one earns without wish.

God in his bountiful mercy will be please to forgive these sins when sincere prayers are offered.

Pray and perform is the best way to carry on with, even otherwise prayer with heart at respective span of life makes one to achieve the motto with little effort.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, January 13, 2012

Peace and bliss

Peace and bliss is the state of mind that leads one to rejoice self, it do not lie in any object or creation of Maya. It is inherited gem of spirit which it keeps along with in life but due to ignorance one remains fails to reap the fruit of.

Undue attachments are the coverings which leads self to a distant destination where as real renunciation of desires which in fact the true feature of self attach one to the path of pace and bliss.

Optimize pace of life make one to reach in the orbit of peace and bliss, excessive wants or excessive failures both derails the subject.

Pleasure of senses is not a sin if taken in true spirit, but being a slave of senses is really painful for anyone in life, indeed state of mind indicates on the subject as main.

To use mind as a seat of beneficial truthfulness one attain the motto, indeed several factor influence the subject but realization in true spirit leads one from forefront.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, January 12, 2012

most wanted

Magh month and gayatri Mahima both is fulfiller of self in true spirit. Gayatri mantra is very popular verse, to sing and to pray.

Indeed infinite is the glory of Gayatri mantra, greatness of God is communicated in this verse who is creator and controller of the whole universe but excessively compassionate in nature.

This verse itself is dedication to the God alone, truly guided life achieves the goal without any extra efforts is the essence of this mantra in one of its form.

To purify inner self, gayatri mantra is one of the easiest mean to do so, to invoke the blessing of omnipresent almighty God, gayatri mantra is easiest verse to reach at.

Ancient literature, saints and sages of era, including spiritual mystics have elaborated this verse favorably. Gayatri mantra itself leads one to the spiritual zone of inner self for most wanted bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

eternal unification

Harmonious great balanced life of householder is not less than a life of Yogi. The householder that tries to maintain truth in life at its best on varying spheres and discard untruth is like a saint.

Truthful karma with true spirit is not less than bhakti.

Renounced life may have its own merits but merits of life one maintain with household status in sacred way is really unique.

Indeed house holder get comparatively less time for concentration unto supreme Godhead personality but the whole creation is a form of supreme one and interacting with fair mode adds to pace on the subject at its ultimate mode.

Three fold sufferings of life never sphere any one either one among the saintly wisdom or the worldly chapter but spiritual joy emanating from duties assigned to really paves the path eternal unification.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Atman is very inevitable subject of all beings, indeed definition of atman is not so define, neither is a subject of words though it has several meanings to self but taken as inner most spirit, the indestructible self present in all beings.

Gross body is the subject of Maya alone, subtle body is under influence of Maya but subtlest or sub-subtle Body is not in direct subject of delusive Maya.

Atman Gyan is a must subject for human to win over the ties of these three. Indeed in life one can make it to reach at but here after it is really tough to make it.

When senses and mind become obedient then intellect open the lock of door known as wisdom which graduate the mind to interface the self to reach at the truth of atman.

The only help in the process in direct mode is communion with true saints or company of saintly souls which makes one to practice truth above the limitations of favors and advertise.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, January 9, 2012


Pride itself is a chapter of illusion and a part of ego, very root of evil. One cannot afford to ride pride for goodness because it takes no time to fall from.

Pride in fact creates barrier in mind to restrict light of wisdom; Pride in intellect acts as poison to disrupt the pace of truth therein.

Whatever achievements in life are not for pride but it is for submission in the lotus feet of almighty God.

It is truth of time and ages that pride and ego leads one to hell, without giving up pride and selfishness man cannot achieve the motto of being human.

One needs to maintain an equal-distance from pride and ego to reach at the glory of self. Proud and ego are the obstruction that Derail the truth from life.

May lord bless all

Thanks please


Nectar is giver of immortality, is not that all the essence of subject but Nectar is a comprehensive chapter of bliss that act as catalyst to unite self with supreme.

Celestial stream of nectar is flowing uninterruptedly on the planet but rarely few recognize it and make good use from.

Where there is a flow of nectar means God is nearby, where there is a stream of nectar means truth for man is nearby at its true form.

Heaven and hell is nothing but state of perception for mind, clouds of ignorance creates the dark of hell where as light of wisdom illuminate the self for eternal joy is heaven and nectar helps one to reach at.

In material world words of true saints ever act as more than nectar, communion with saint is prayag-the meeting place of self and supreme.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Self surrender

Self surrender is the key to success on the path of divine spirit. Self surrender is an easy subject neither to understand nor to adore with as it associates with truth of self and to reach at truth of life practice of truth in life is must.

Self surrender is more a process to control ego which is deadliest chapter of life, it is ego that creates the difference either it is mundane world or the world of spirituality.

To a note of time, ego alone is cause for manifestation of spirit, self arrogating ego persist and resist again and over is the very cause of birth and rebirth.

Self surrender without grace of God is not feasible, both are interrelated chapters of life-on surrender it manifest grace, with grace one make it to surrender.

Real inner feeling to surrender self paves the path for, renunciation and detachments helps one on the subject. They who put a step ahead in the direction gracious God helps all well to carry on with.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please