Saturday, May 8, 2010

image of God

Spiritual master is must to guide the life at its best. With out a true preceptor true vision can never be established. True preceptor with the wealth of spirituality can pave the path for ultimate success. The secret of fourteen realms will only be manifest in the heart in refuge of true spiritual master.

Cycle of birth and rebirth is the essence of life on the cord of karma and it is a never ending process till one attains final beatitude. Spiritual master helps on the subject.

Joy and sorrow is the subject of mind and its perception and interpretation , spiritual master redefine the modules of mind that visualize the objects of mundane existence from a distant.

Cleaning of heart chamber is prime issue for interacting with true self. Cleaning of heart reflects through the purity of mind. To attain the purity of mind in mundane existence is a distant issue but the grace of true spiritual master.

Blemishes of mind and heart can only be washout with the grace of true spiritual master.

The all knowing almighty lord is always along with and within one’s reach ever and always but to make it know; it needs a spiritual master. To enlighten the path of divine love spiritual master is the way alone.

The true spiritual master is wholly merged in God-God can easily be realized through him, smiling glimpse of true spiritual master reflects the image of God.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please