Saturday, December 23, 2023

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today is defined day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, a day that embodies eternity all concern with, 

Not just a day for Vishnu Pad Puja but for a truth to adore to reach home back by adoration of the respective discipline with mild application of self,

It is a day of light eternal in truth with divine wisdom man needs at its most at the threshold of changeover and adoration of the day may help even out of bounds to make it,

It is a cult in truth with ancient culture with inherent truth of spirit on the planet in embodied form, a day to recall self to make it for eternity of self,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, December 22, 2023

never antagonize him who is a source of terror even to death

 Said Hanuman, Ravana, I am aware of your glory, you had an encounter with Sahastrabahau, and the distinction of your contest with Vali, Ravana heard and laughed away, 

Said Hanuman, I felt hungry and broke the bough as a monkey does, one's body is supremely dear to all yet those wicked insisted on bouncing me so that I had no other option but to defend myself and return their blows, 

Your son brings me here, I am not ashamed of being bound, as I am bound to serve the cause of my Lord, I implore you with joined palms, Ravana give up your haughtiness and heed my advice, 

Think of your lineage, and view things from that perspective, adore him who disples the fear of the devotees, never antagonize him who is a source of terror even to death, and return Sita to him at my request,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please

Thursday, December 21, 2023

know me to be his envoy

 Jai Sri Ram,

Meghnada ultimately takes Hanuman with him to Ravana in the assembly, 

Mystic strange that the envoy of Rama whose name enables the the wise to cut asunder the bonds of mundane existence should come under bondage,

Hanuman allowed himself to reach Ravana, as Ravana saw Monkey, he laughed and railed at him, recalling the death of his son made him sad at heart, Said the Ravana, who are you, O Monkey, whose might you have wrought the groove, did you never heard my name, exceptionally bold wretch you kill demons of what offense, 

Said Hanuman, O ten-headed monster, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva carry on their respective function by whose might, by whose might thousand-headed Shesha support the earth, who assume various forms to protect gods and teach a lesson to wretches like you, who broke Shiva's bow, dispatched Khara, Dushan and Trisita and Vali, all unequaled in strength by an iota of whose might you were able to conquer the entire creation, snd whose beloved spouse has been stolen away by you, know me to be his envoy,

May Lord bless all, 

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Many a time Meghanada lay unconscious

 Jai Sri Ram,

Ravana flew in rage as he heard of his son's death, and sent the mighty Meghanada with the message kill him not, but bind him and bring him here, let us see the monkey and ascertain wherefrom he comes,

Meghanada sailed forth, a peerless champion, seized with fury at the news of his brother's death, 

When Hanuman saw he roared and rushed forward to meet him, smashing his car and crushing those accompanying him, it was a rare encounter between them, 

Many a time Meghanada lay unconscious with the fist of Hanuman, recovered, and tried again to overpower him but miserable failed then ultimately tried to use Brhamasta, a weapon presided over by Brahma, Hanuman already had a boon to overthrow even the Brahmastra, he thought to himself if I submit not to the Brahma's own weapon, its infinite glory will be cast to the winds, he let get tied up in Brahmastra, for a reason to reach assembly of Ravana to deliver the message of Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Monkey perfect in strength and will

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Hanuman, Mother I am feeling frightfully hungry at the sight of these trees laden with delicious fruits,

I tell you, my son, the grove is guarded by the most valiant and mighty demons, Said Hanuman, Mother, I am not at all afraid of them, only if I have your hearty approval, 

Seeing Monkey perfect in strength and will, Sita said, Go, my son, and enjoy the luscious fruit with your heart fixed on Sri Rama,

Bowing head to the feet of Sita Hanuman went forth and entered the groove, having eaten the fruit he began to break down the tree to give a message to Ravana, Several warriors posted there were killed by Hanuman, while the rest fled the sight at once and report in the assembly of Ravana, on hearing this Ravana dispatched more mighty warriors along with his son Akshay, were killed by Hanuman and message sent to Ravana by the hidden warriors,   

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, December 18, 2023

I have now accomplished all that I had to accomplish,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Hanuman, Listen, Mother, Monkeys possess no great strength or intelligence either but through the Lord's might, the tiniest snake might swallow Garuda, the king of birds and the mount of Bhagwan Vishnu,

Sita felt gratified at heart even as she heard the monkey's words full of devotion and revealing Sri Rama's majesty, glory, and strength,

Recognizing him as the beloved of Sri Rama She gave her blessings, may you become the repository of strength and virtues, dear child, and may ever remain immune from old age and death and prove to be a storehouse of good qualities, my son, and may Lord of Raghu's shower abundant grace on you, 

The Moment the words, May the Lord be gracious to you, reached his ears Hanuman was utterly whelmed with emotion, again and again, bowed his head at her feet and with joined palms addressed her thus, I have now accomplished all that I had to accomplish, Mother, for your blessing, everyone knows, is unfailing,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

colossal of a mountain of gold

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Hanuman, Had the Rama any news about you, he would not have tarried,, the moment Rama's arrows make their appearance like the sun, the demon host would be scattered like the shadows of night, 

Mother, I would take you to him this very moment, But I swear by Rama, I have no such orders from the Lord, 

Therefore wait patiently for some days more, till Rama arrives with his troops of monkeys, slaughtering the demons, will take you away, while Narada and other sages will glorify him in all the three spheres, 

Said the Sita, but my son, all the monkeys must be pygmies like you, whereas the demons are mighty and great warriors, I have misgivings in my heart on this score, on hearing this Hanuman revealed his natural form, colossal of a mountain of gold, terrible in battle, possessing great might and full of valor, Sita took comfort in her heart, thereupon Hanuman resumed his diminutive appearance, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please