Saturday, July 6, 2024

the glory of devotion to Sri Rama is a superb indeed,

 Jai Sri Ram,

No suffering occasioned by time, fate, merit, demerit, or disposition shall ever tormont you, the manifold charming mysteries of Rama, that are found mentioned in the chronicles and Puranas either explicitly or implicity, you will come to know without any difficulty, and the flame of your devotion to Sri Rama's feet will glow ever brighter and brighter,

Whatever longing you may entertain in your mind, you shall have no difficulty in attaining it by the grace of Sri Hari, On hearing the sage's benediction, mark me, O Garuda of steadfast reason, a deep voice, which was evidently the voice of supreme spirit, was heard from the heavens, May your Prophesy come to be true, O enlightened Sage, He is my votary in thought, word and deed, I rejoiced to hear heavenly voice and stood overwhelmed with love and rid of all my doubts, 

On receiving Sage's permission in response to my prayer I repeatedly bowed my head at his lotus feet, and gladly came away to this hermitage, having obtained by the Lord's grace a rare boon, I have now lived in this hermitage, for seven and twenty rounds of creation, I am ever engaged in hymning the praise of Sri Rama, while enlightened birds reverently listen to them, each time the Rama assumes a form of a man in the city of Ayodhya for the sake of devotees, I go and stay at the capital of Sri Rama and enjoy the spectacles of his childish sports, 

Again enshrining an image of the child Rama in my heart I return to my hermitage, I have now told you all the circumstances that invested me with the form of a Crow, and have also replied to all your queries, the glory of devotion to Sri Rama is a superb indeed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 5, 2024

eight miles,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Sage detained me in his hermitage for sometime, then recited Ramacaritamanasa, the Manas Lake of Sri Rama's exploits, having reverently related the story then address me the following gracious words,

I discovered this secret and charming lake of Sri Rama's exploit, dear son, by the grace of Lord Sambhu, I have come to that you are beloved devotee of Sri Rama, hence I repeat it to you in full, NEVER REVEAL IT IN PRESENCE OF THOSE HEART IS VOID OF DEVOTION TO SRI RAMA,

The sage admonished me in various ways and I lovingly bowed my head at his feet, the great sage touched my head with is lotus palm and gladly gave me his blessing, henceforth, by my grace, devotion to Sri Rama shall ever abide in your heart and know no interruption, 

You shall ever be a favorite with Rama and a storehouse of good qualities, free from pride, changing your form at will, and choosing your own time for death, and a repository of wisdom and dispassion, in whatever hermitage you live with thought fixed at Rama, ignorance will have no access within a radius of eight miles, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

sage was amazed at my extraordinary tolerance and unique faith

 Jai Sri Ram,

I was immediately transformed into a crow, bowed my head at the sage's feet again and again, fixing my thoughts on Rama, joyfully took flight,

Shiva said to Uma, they who are devoted to Sri Rama's feet and are free from lust, greed, and anger look upon the whole world as full of their lord, against whom can they harbour animosity,

Kakabhushundi said to Garuda, listen O Lord of winged creature, the sage was in no way at fault, It is Rama who prompts all hearts, all merciful put my devotion to test by clouding the sage's reason, when he came to know that I was devoted in thought, word and deed, The Lord disabused the saint again, 

The sage was amazed at my extraordinary tolerance and unique faith in Rama, repenting again and again politely called me back, consoled me in everyway and then gladly imparted to me the formula sacred to Rama, The gracious sage taught me how to meditate on Rama as a child,  The form which I was thus taught to fix my thought upon, charming as delightful as it was, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

You shall at once take the form of a crow,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Can there be anger without duality or duality without ignorance, can individual soul, dull, finite and subject to Maya be on par with God, Can suffering ensure from solitude from others well being, can anyone possessing the philosopher's stone suffer for want any longer,

Can one's posterity survive even though one has persecuted the Brahmanas, can one continue to perform action even after attaining self realization, has anyone acquired sound wisdom while living in the company of vicicius, can an adulterator attain a happy destiny

Can those who have realize God fall again into the ocean of transmigration, can the reviler of Sri Hari be ever Happy, can a kingdom stand without a knowledge of statecraft, can sin persist even after one commenced narrating Sri Hari explits, can one enjoy sacred renown without religious merits, can anyone earn a bad reputation without a sin, is there any gain as valuable as DEVOTION to sri Hari, which is glorified alike by saints as well as that of the man who fails to adore Sri Rama, is there any loss in the world as grievous as that of the man who fail to adore Sri Rama even after obtaining a human body, is there any sin so bad as backbiting or any virtue so great as compassion, in this way mentally advanced numberless arguments in my favor and did not listen to the sage's teaching with any reverence, again and again I maintained the cause of the Saguna form of worship till at last sage uttered Angry words, 

O FOOL, you refuse to accept the supreme lesson, I have given inculcating on you and indulge in endless arguments and counter arguments, you give no credence to my authentic words and like a CROW, look on anything with distrust, are extremely self opinionated, therefore, You shall at once take the form of a crow, I bowed to the the curse pronounced by the sage but never alarmed nor humiliated, immediately transformed to a crow,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, not just a day from cult divine but truth that mystic by nature but most compatible for eternal self, 

Indeed, an opportunity for aspirants and devotees to make it to the truth of cause eternal, mild application of the self in truth with discipline of the day may yield numerous eternal gain,

Vishnu, a reality for man, who alone has posit himself at all levels and stages of spirit in truth with journey of the planet in embodied form, that help suitable with time and occasion, 

Sri Ekadasi is a day which could be a milestone for aspirans and devotees to experience all the three realms in truth with absolute reality as well as transient reality eternally through mild application of self in truth with discipline of the day as prescribed by the cult of time and ages

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 1, 2024

heat of passion the sage expatiated on spiritual wisdom

 Jai Sri Ram,

Thereupon the great sage recounted with reverence a few virtues of Sri Rama, but himself devoted to the knowledge of Brahma, knowing me to be the fittest person, Sage began to sermon on Brahma, the unborn, one without second and without attributes, the ruler of the heart, incomprehensible, beyond the mind and the senses, immaculate and indestructible, immutable, unlimited and all blissful,

You are identical to the Brahma referred to above, no more difference exists between him and you, than between a sheet of water and ripple on its surface, so declare the Vedas, Sage instructed me in various ways but the truth that the Individual soul is identical with attributes less Brahma did not appeal to my heart,

Bowing my head at the feet I submitted again, kindly tell me how to worship the embodied Brahma, My mind takes delight in worship of Rama, even as fish rejoices in water, then, can it exist without it, Be gracious to teach me the method whereby I may be able to behold Rama with my own eyes, I will then listen to your discourse on attributeless Brahma, Sage once more recited the incomparable story of sri Hari, but demolishing the doctrine that supreme spirit does appear in an embodied form, he established the preposition that he is attributeless, thereupon I would set aside the view that God is ever attributeless and established with great obstinacy the doctrine that he takes an embodied form,

When thus I entered into hot discussion with him, signs of resentment appeared on the sage's person, insolence carried to an excess rouses even in the breast of an enlightened soul, too much friction will produce fire even out of sandal wood, again and again heat of passion the sage expatiated on spiritual wisdom while I sat still and put myself various questions, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Brahma that Saguna and Nirguna,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Whatever form I assumed, either of an irrational being, god or man,. I continued to adore Rama even in that form, yet one thing ever stung my conscience, my Guru's mind and amiable disposition, I could never forget,

Last Body I got was that of a Brahman, which is as difficult as anything even for the gods to attain, Even in that incarnation whenever I joined the other boys for play, I would enact all the pastimes of Rama, as I grew up father Give me secular lessons, I tried to understand things, listened and reflected on them, yet they failed to attract me, 

All worldly cravings left my soul, I was solely absorbed in the thoughts of Rama, My father Mother died, I withdraws to the forest in order to worship the protector of his servants, there I met many great sages, I visited them, I bowed them and ask the recounts of Rama, with delight they relates it to me, but they also elaborate the truth of Nirgun Brahma, Every sage I interrogated observed, God represents the Totality of created beings,'

The view that holds God as impersonal did not find my favor, The love I bore in my heart for the embodied Brahma grew from more to more with time, Lastly I visited Sage Lomesha with lot of doubts and duality unto truth of the Brahma that Saguna and Nirguna, Gracious sage tries all to convince me with truth of Nirguna Brahma but my questions renewed a new to relate with Sagun Brahma,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please