Saturday, October 22, 2016

repository of goodness and beauty,

Jai sri Ram,
Listen, my dear child, Sita is exceedingly delicate and pet of her father-in-law, Mother-on-law and the whole family,

She has for her father Janaka, the jewel among princes,

While her Father-on-law is no other than sun of the solar race,

As her Lord, he is a veritable moon for the Lilly like progeny of the sun god and a repository of goodness and beauty,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, October 21, 2016

lovely nails of her toes

Hare Krishna
As she scratched the ground with lovely nails of her toes,

Her anklets produced a musical sound, as if-so declare by the poet,

They lovingly prayed that Sita's feet may never abandoned them,

Seeing her shed tears from her charming eyes, Sri Rama's mother broke the silence,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My body and soul together

Jai sri Ram,
With her head bent low towards her Lord, set reflection,

The Lord of my life would depart to the forest,

It has yet to be seen who will have good fortune to accompany him,

My body and soul together or my soul alone, what god intend to do cannot be foreseen even partly,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sri Sita heard the news

Jai Sri Ram,
That very moment Sri Sita heard the news and rose in great agitation,

She approached her Mother-in-law,

Reverenced her lotus feet and sat down bowing her head,

The Mother-in-law blessed her in gentle accents and felt distressed when she regarded her most delicate frame,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

comforted her with soothing words

Jai sri Ram,
Her heart was filled with terrible and deep agony,

The profusion of wailing was beyond all description,

Sri Rama lifted His Mother and pressed her to his bosom,

Then comforted her with soothing words,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, October 17, 2016

fountain of mercy and champion of virtue

Jai sri Ram
As for yourself you are a fountain of mercy and champion of virtue,

Remembering this please devise some means to see that you come woods in good cheer abandoning your servants, family and the whole city,

The fruits of everyone's meritorious deeds is exhausted aspect,

Thus wailing in many ways mother Kaushalya clung to sri Rama's Feet accounting herself the most unlucky woman,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Sunday, October 16, 2016

gods and manes protect you

Jai Sri Ram,
Realizing this i do not press mt suit exaggerating mt false love,

I only pray that remembering me as a mother should not allow me to slip out of your mind,

May all the gods and manes protect you, O Lord of the earth, as the eyelids protects the eyes

The term of exile is like water, while your near and dear ones resemble the fish that live on it,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please