Saturday, May 18, 2024

experienced the Same childish sports and same beauty

 Jai Sri Ram,

Each universe had its own Brahma, its own Vishnu and Shiva, Manu that cause for creation presiding over single Manvantara, consisting of little less than 74 rounds of for Yugas, regents of quarters, human beings, celestials, species and Goblins, Giants and other much more,

All creatures have shape that peculiar that that universe, The Earth with its beauty of river and mountains, oceans and lakes have distinguish character,

In these universes I found myself possessed of manifold incomparable forms, Each universe has its own Ayodhya with its own Sarayu, and its own men and women, Dear Garuda, Rama's parents as well as brothers were all different in each universe,

In each such universe I witnessed the descent of Rama with his infinite variety of childish sports, everything I saw had have distinctive reality of its own universe and was beauty beyond words, I visited each successive world and experienced the Same childish sports and same beauty, same gracious Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, May 17, 2024

multitudinous universes

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Rama smiled at me back, even as if he laughed I was instantly driven into his mouth, 

Listen, O king of birds, inside his belly I beheld multitudinous universes with many strange spheres each more wonderful than the rest, with myriads of Brahma and Shiva, countless stars, suns and moons, numberless guardian of spheres and vast territorial globes, Oceans, Rivers, lakes and forests without end,

With manifold other creatures, creations and gods along with multitude of sages, Siddhas, Nagas and much more beyond description, 

I saw there all such marvels as I had seen or heard of before and such as could not be conceived even by mind, how, then, can I describe them, I stayed full hundred year in each of those universes and in this manner I went round and beheld multitudinous universes having shape of an egg,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

two fingers apart

 Jai Sri Ram,

Continued Kakabhusandi, O Garuda Ji, Mortals cannot be rid of their suffering without adoring Sri Hari,

Nescience has no power over a servant of Rama, it is true knowledge that hold away over him as directed by Rama,that is why servant of Rama never falls, 

Now hear the particulars in this connection, the secret of this diversion nobody came to know, neither his brother nor his parents, 

The Lord with a Swarthy form and rosy hands, crawled on his hands to catch me, I took to flight, Rama stretched his arm lay hold on me, as I flew in the sky, Saw Rama;s hand close to me everywhere, a mystic truth to believe, I flew up to all the regions but difference between me and Rama's hand was just two finger wide, I mounted the utmost height I could reach bur Rama's hand was two fingers apart from me, felt alarmed and close my eyes, when I open my eyes found myself in Ayodhya in vicinity of Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

all her sixteen days

 Jai Sri Ram,

Tell me, what would be the difference between God and Jiva that Individual spirit, the latter, which identified itself with a particular psycho physical organism, is subject to Maya, while Maya itself, the source of three Gunas, is controlled by God, 

The Jiva is dependent, subject to Maya, while God is self dependent, the Jivas are many, while the beloved of Laxmi is one,without second, 

Even though this difference, which has been created by Maya, is false, it cannot disappear except by Sri Hari's grace,

The Man who seek to attain the state of eternal bliss without adoring Rama is a beast, however wise he may be, even though the moon rose complete in all her sixteen days with it's entire starry host, and even mountains were set on fire, night would not yield except to the sun,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Continued Bhusandi

 Jai Sri Ram,

Continued Bhusandi, The moment I allowed this doubt to enter my mind, O king of birds,

Sri Rama's Maya took possession of me as directed by the lord, That Maya, however, did not prove to be a source to me, 

Nor did it throw me into the whirlpool of birth and death as it does in the case of other creatures, 

O mount of Sri Hari, Sita's spouse alone is absolute intelligence, every creature is subject to Maya either Animate or Inanimate, if all had the same perfect wisdom, tell me, what would be the difference between God and Jiva that Individual spirit, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, May 13, 2024

knowledge and bliss personified,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Continued Bhusandi, His shrill gleeful cry and glance captivated me, thus frolicking in the courtyard of the royal palace, the all beautiful danced at the sight of his own shadow, and played with me in diverse ways, which I blush to tell you,

Crying with joy as He ran to catch hold of me, I flew away, then He showed me a piece of sweet cake,

As I went near him the Lord smiles but the moment I flew away he fell crying, and when I approached him to lay hold of his feet he scampered off, turning round again, and again to look at me, 

Seeing Him play an ordinary child I was overcome by bewilderment, what, are these actions in anyway worthy of him who is knowledge and bliss personified,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Continued Bhusandi

 Jai Sri Ram,

Continued Bhusandi, Listen, O chief of birds, the story of Rama is the delight of his servants, the King's Palace at Ayodhya was beautiful in everyway, It was all gold studded with precious stones of various kinds,

The courtyard, where the fur brothers played was magnificent beyond description, Rama flickered about in this Yard, his tender frame was dark of hue with a greenish tinge resembling that of emerald,  every limb of it had loveliness of countless cupids compressed into it,

His Feet were soft and ruddy like a young lotus, with bright toes and nails that outshone the brilliance of Moon, they had stole bearings the fourfold lovely marks of the thunderbolt, the elephant goad, the flag, and the Lotus,

Adorned with beautiful anklets that sweetly jingled, the charming zone about his waist, which was beautiful embossed with jewels produced a pleasant tinkling sound,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please