Saturday, August 17, 2024

some rare good soul like ocean, which swells at the sight of the full moon

 Jai Sri Ram,

I Rocount the virtues of Rama, but my vit is poor, whereas the exploits of Rama are unfathomable, for this I find not the least resources, while I am bankrupt of mind and intellect, my ambition is royal, but my intellect is exceedingly mean, but aspirations are pitched too high, while crave for nectar, I have no mean in this world to procure even butter milk, 

The virtuous will forgive my presumptions, and listen to my childish babbling with interest, when a child prattles in lipsing ascents, the parents hear it with mind full of delight, those, whoever, who are hard heartened, mischievous and perverse and cherish others as an ornament, will feel amused, 

Who does not like one's own poetry, be it delightful or exceedingly insipid, such good people as delight to hear other's composition are rae in the world, the world abounds in men who resemble lakes and rivers, that get swollen with their own rise when waters are added to them,

There is some rare good soul like ocean, which swells at the sight of the full moon, humble is my lot, and my ambition high, my only hope is that all good men will be gratified to hear what I say, while the evil minded will laugh,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, day to recall the truth and pastime of Lord Vishnu, the savior, who destroy the hostile forces in order to establish righteousness,

Know Lord Vishnu to be the guardian of this universe and fond of devotees, support of this universe and tangible support to rely upon for devotees and aspirants, 

Know Lord Vishnu to be an omnipresent reality that pervades all like ether, who is meditated upon by the mystics and sages to meet the true of their inner quest,

Know Lord Vishnu as a legend of purity that giver of sanctity, is supreme self that giver of liberation from birth and rebirth, 

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

men endowed with keen inside

 Jai Sri Ram,

Parrots and Mainas nurtured in the house of virtuous and wicked repeat the name of Rama and pour avolly of abuses respectively, smoke coming in contact with an evil earthly substance turns into soot, the same is used as material for copying the Vedas and Puranas, brings life to the world,

The planets, medicines, water, air and cloth prove good or bed in the world according to their good and evil associations, only men endowed with keen inside are able to know this, proportion of moonlight and darkness is same in the bright and the dark fortnight, only two have name differently by the creator,

Knowing one as the nourisher and other as the emaciator of the moon, the world has given it good and the bad name, whatever beings are in this universe either animate or inanimate, recognize them as consisting of Sri Rama, I ever adore the lotus feet of all with joined palms,

I revered the gods, demons, human beings, Nagas, birds, spirits, manes, Gandharva, Kinnaras and Giants, pray gracious to me all on this occasion, Eight million and four hundred thousand species of living beings classified under four broad divisions, inhabit, land, water and sky, recognising them as Full of Sita and Rama, make obeisance to them all with joined palms, knowing me as your servant, be genuinely gracious to me all of you, 

Jai Siya Rama 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

When providence blesses

  Jai Sri Ram,

When providence blesses one with such discrimination as possessed by the swan, then alone does the mind abandon evil and get enamoured of goodness, by force of the spirit of the times, old habits and the past Karma even the good deviate from goodness under the influence of Maya, 

But just as servants of Sri Hari rectify that error and, eradicating sorrow and weakness, bring untarnished glory to them, even so the wicked occasionally perform a noble deed due to their good association, although their evil nature, which is unchangeable, cannot be obliterated, 

Even those who are imposters are respected on account of their garb, as the world is taken in by their attractive appearance, but they are eventually exposed, and cannot keep up their false appearance till the end, as was in the case of Kalanemi and Rahu

The good are honoured notwithstanding their mean appearance even as Jamavanendowed with a form of bear, possessed miraculous strength and that Hanuman, the monkey god, won honor in this world, bad association is harmful, while good company is an asset in itself, this is true in the world as well as in the eyes of Vedas,

Jai Siya Rama 


Monday, August 12, 2024

good and the vile all have been brought into beings by the creator,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Of course, a good man has a bias for goodness alone, while a vile person is prone to vileness, while nectar is praised for its immortalizing virtue, poison is extolled for its deadly effects, The tales of sin and vices on one the one hand and of the virtues of the virtuous, on other, are like boundless and unfathomable oceans

That is why I have enumerated only a few virtues and vices, for they cannot be acquired or discarded without being duly distinguished, the good and the vile all have been brought into beings by the creator, It is Vedas that have differentiated them by reckoning the merits of the former and demerits of the other,

The Vedas and other ancient scriptures have unanimously declared the creation of Brahma is an intermixture of good and evil, charecterised the pair of opposites, such as pain and pleasure, sin and virtue, day and night, good and the wicked, good birth and the vile birth, demons and gods, high and the low, nectar and the poison, happy life and the death, Maya and Brahma, pauper and the king, matter and spirit, Sacred Kashi and indifferent Magadha that in north Bihar, a cursed land, Holy Ganga and unholy Karmanasa, Rich soil of Brahman Varn and other, Braman that gods on earth and barbarians and much more, heaven and hell, attachments and dispassion,

God has created the universe consisting of animate and inanimate beings as partaking of both good and evil, Swans in the form of a saints imbibe the the milk of goodness rejecting the water in the form of evil, 

Jai Siya Ram

Sunday, August 11, 2024

wicked burned with jealousy as they hear the welfare of others

 Jai Sri Ram,

The wicked burned with jealousy as they hear the welfare of others, be they his friends, foes or neutrals, such is their wont, knowing thus, this humble soul makes loving entities to them with joined palms,

I for my part have made entities to them, they too must not fail to do their part, however fondly you may nurture a broos of crows, can you ever expect ravens to turn vegetarians, I adore the feet of a saint and a wicked soul, both of whom give pain, through some difference is said to exist between them, whereas former class cause mortal pain while parting, the latter give agonising tormont during their meeting

Though both born together in the world, they differ their trait even as the lotus and the leech, both spring from water, the good and the wicked resemble necar and the wine respectively, the unfathomable ocean in the form of this world is their common parent, the good and the wicked gather a rich harvest of good reputation and infamy by their respective doings, although merits of nectar, the moon, the seat of nectar, the Ganga, the river of celestials, and a pious soul, 

On the other hand and on the demerits of venom, fire, the unholy River Karmanasa, which is said to full of impurities of Kali age, and the hunter, on the other, the known to all, only which is to a man's appears good to him, 

Jai Siya Ram,