Saturday, February 6, 2021

Yogas and ages

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Then sati dwelt in Kailash,

Her mind grievously sorrowing,

Nobody knew anything about what was going on in her mind,

But the days hung heavy on her like so many yugas or ages,   

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Friday, February 5, 2021


 Jai Sri Ram,

Then recalling His vow, 

Shambhu, Sat down there under a banyan tree in a Yogic Posture,

That known as Padmasana-the pose of a lotus,

Sankara commuted with his own self and passed into an unbroken and indefinitely long Samadhi that trance,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Reached Kailash

 Jai sri Ganesha,

Perceiving the sad look of Sati, 

Shiva narrated beautiful stories in order to divert her mind,

Relating various legends while on his way,

The lord of the universe, Reached Kailash,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Conscious of her guilt

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

From the attitude of Sankara,

However, she judged that the Lord had abandoned her,

And felt disturbed in her heart,

Conscious of her guilt she could not utter a word of protest, but all the while her heart smoundered like a furnace,  

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

supremely unfathomable

 Jai sri Ram,

Sati felt perturbed in her heart at the thought of what she had done,

And the extend of her anxiety could neither be gauged nor described,

She realized that Lord Shiva is a supremely unfathomable ocean of mercy,

Hence he did not openly declare her fault,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, February 1, 2021

farm of falsehood

 Jai Sri Ram,

Even water when mixed with milk, sell as milk,

Look at the unifying process of love,

The water, however, is separated from the milk,

And the taste also disappears the moment a drop of acid is introduced into it in the farm of falsehood,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please 

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sati Concluded

 Jai sri Ram,

You are embodiment of truth and compassionate to the poor,

Even though Sati Enquired in Many ways,

The slayer of the demon Tripura Sankara spoke not a word,

Sati Concluded that the omnipresent lord had come to know everything and felt sorry that she had tried to deceive Sambhu,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please