Saturday, August 31, 2024

mystery of name and form

 Jai Sri Ram,

The two letters forming part of the name of Rama crown of all letters, one spreading like an umbrella and the other as a crest jewel, the name and object name, though significance, are allied as master and servant one to other,

The Lord appears in person at the very mention of his name, name and form are two attributes of God, both of them are ineffable and beginningless and can be rightly understood only be means of good intelligence, 

It is presumptuous on one's part to declare as to which is superior or inferior, hearing the distinctive merit of both, pious soul will judge for themselves, forms are found to be subordinate of name, without the name you cannot come to the knowledge of a form

Typical forms cannot be identified even if they be in hand, without knowing their name, and if the name is remembered even without seeing the form, the letters flashes on the mind with a special liking for it, mystery of name and form is a tale which cannot be told, though delight to comprehend, it cannot be described in words

Jai Siya Ram

Friday, August 30, 2024

Both the latter sounds are sweet and attractive-RaMa

 Jai Sri Ram,

Devotion to Rama is, as it were, the rainy season and the noble devotees, represents paddy crop, while the two charming syllables of the Name Rama, stand for the two months of Sravana and Bhadrapada correspond to july and August,

Both the latter sounds are sweet and attractive, they are two eyes, as it were, of the alphabet and the very life of the devotee, easy to remember and delightful to one and all, bring gain here and provide sustenance hereafter, 

They are most delightful to utter, hear and remember and are dear as Rama and Laxman to Tulsidasa, when treated separately, the two letters lose their harmony, differently pronounced, bear diverse meaning in the form of seed letters and as much yield different results, whereas they are naturally allied even as Brahma, the cosmic spirit, and Jiva that individual soul, good brothers like the divine sages Nara and Narayana, they are sustainer of the universe and redeemer of the devotees in particular, 

They are beautiful ornaments of the ears of the fair damsel in the form of Bhakti, and stand as the spotless sun and moon for the good of the world, like taste and the nectar, in the form of emancipation and supporter of the globe like the divine tortoise and the serpent god seas, they are like bees for the beautiful lotus in the shape of devotee's mind and are the very like Hari that Krishna and Haldhar that Balarama, for Yashoda,

Jai Siya Ram

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

All beings in journey of life live it in truth of priority, priority of individual may differ from society, priority of society may differ from the inherent cult of self, is a subject of realization, 

Sense objects are far higher than the senses as per the quotes of time and ages, Mind is higher than sense objects is visible reality, intellect is higher than the mind is a hidden truth to rely upon, 

Inner self that seated in a obscure sky of the hearts that far higher than all those including intellect and mind, 

But Adi Purusha that cause of one and all is not that far away from in inherent self, and attainable with time and occasion, Occasion to make it is Sri Ekadasi, and time relates the relativity of self and it could today and a day among Sri Ekadisies, a relative truth of any fortnight that rules by the truth of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu cult facilitate devotees and aspirants to make it to the tune of self in vicinity of the day that Sri Ekadasi,  

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sita and Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

I reverence the feet of Sita and Rama, who though state to be different are yet identical just like a word and its meaning or like water and the waves on its surface, and to whom the afflicted are most dear,

I greet the Name Rama, which is composed of seed letters, representing fire god, the sun god, the moon god, is the same Brahma Vishnu and Shiva, the vital breath of Vedas, attributeless, peerless and mine of virtues, 

Shiva mutter this name and which, when imparted by him at Kashi to departed soul, leads to emancipation, Its glory is well known in spheres of all regions, The saint poet Valmiki acquainted with the glory of the name, inasmuch as he attained to purity by repeating it even in reverse order, 

Shiva chant this name before dine which equates the thousand Names, and relate this mystic reality to goddess Gauri, Shiva knows the power of muttering the name, due to which deadly poison served the purpose of nectar to him, 

Jai Siya Ram, 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

obeisance in the lotus feet of Devi Sita

 Jai Sri Ram,

I make obeisance to king Janaka,, along with his family, who bore hidden affection for the lous feet of Rama, I bow the Bharata, whose self discipline and religious austerity beggar description, whose mind thirst for the lotus feet of Rama like a bee, I revere the lotus feet of Laxman, charming that delight to devotees, serve the Rama, is no other than thousand head Sesa Naag,

I supplicate Hanuman, the great hero, whose glory has been exalted by Rama himself, I greet Hanuman, the son of wind god, an embodiment of wisdom, who is fire as it were for the wicked, and in the abode of whose heart reside Rama, 

I revere the charming feet of all those who have serve the lotus feet of Rama, including Sugreeva and Vibhishan, Angada and Jambavan and much more, 

I make obeisance in the lotus feet of Devi Sita, daughter of king Janaka, mother of the universe, and the most beloved consort of Rama, the fountain of mercy, and seek to propitiate the pair of her lotus feet, so that by her grace, I may be blessed with refined intellect

Jai Siya Rama, 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Krishna Janmashtami is being celecelebarted to mark the truth of the day that embodiment of Krishna Prem, a love that meaningful all the way along with truth disinterested reality to serve the cause in pilgrimage on planet,

Time and ages have elaborated the truth of the day in varying forms to make it easy for embodied soul to enjoin this divine celebration, that to mark truth of self in love with lotus feet of Soul master, Krishna,

Sages of the time and eras have elaborated the ways to make the day to the tune unto truth of self for pure eternal gains, which not only yields here by much more on journey hereafter, Know Krishna to be supreme ancient personality that Adi Purusha, with inherent greatness and sole sovereign of his existence, his worship could offer a great deal unto truth of eternity of individual soul,  

This festival divine is available for a common cause for individual spirit in embodied truth, confor integrated wisdom to behold the value of being self in truth of individuality, celesals and gods themselves come to the Vasundhara to enjoy high eminence of this festivity with a great message for aspirants and devotees, 

Jai Sri Radhey Krishna 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

give up his life mare staw the moment Rama parted from him

 Jai Sri Ram,

I bow to the lotus feet of Sage Valmiki, composer of Ramayana, full in infinite references and glory of Rama, Revere Vedas, bark as it were on the ocean of mundane existence, Greet the dust from the feet of Brahma, who has evolved this ocean in truth with saints and demons, nectar and poison, bodage and liberation, Pray to gods who plays pivotal role in evolution theory for animate and inanimate, 

Bow to goddess Saraswati and celestial Ganga, one wipes the sin through true knowledge other by an holy dip, Adore Shiva and Goddess Gauri, the true benefactor of embodied souls and the saint poet Tulsidas, seeing prevalence of Kali age, evolved a string of spells in the tongue of savages, incoherent syllabus which yields no interpretation, require no repetition but whose efficacy is patent, 

If Shiva and goddess Gauri, are really propitious to me, even in dream, let all that I have said in glorification of this poetry of mine, in popular language, come true,

I reverence the exceedingly Holy city Ayodhya,  and Saryu flowing beside it, which wipes out the sins of Kali age, bow to people of the city, who enjoy the felicity of comprehensive Rama Bhakti, Greet Kaushalya, the eldest queen and the Mother of Rama, is the eastern horizon whence arose loving moon, serve the Brahma as her child, adore the lotus feet of Dasaratha, the king of Ayodhya, who give up his life mare staw the moment Rama parted from him, 

Jai Siya Ram