Saturday, March 7, 2020


Jai Sri Ram,
The great sages then sent for Uma,

Who was brought by her girl companions richly adorned,

All the gods were enraptured at her beauty,

What poet in the world could describe such loveliness,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Friday, March 6, 2020

Shiva took his seat

Jai Sri Ram,
A divinely beautiful throne with the images of lions for its arms was placed on the altar,

Being a handiwork of the creator himself,

It beggared description,

Bowing his head to the Brahmanas and calling to his mind his own master, Shiva took his seat on the throne,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

festal strains

Jai Sri Ram,
Himvan politely sent for all the gods,

And assigned an appropriate seat to each of them,

An altar was prepared in accordance with the Vedic rituals,

Woman chanted charming  festal strains,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The seven sages

Jai Sri Ram,
Then they returned to their respective lodgings,

The seven sages called once more,

And read out to Himavan the note recording the time fixed for the wedding,

Perceived that the hour had arrived, the latter sent for gods,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

hear them

Jai Sri Ram,
The gods felt much amused to hear them,

And dined for an unusually long time,

The joy that swelled at the dinner cannot be described even with millions of tongues,

Having been served with water for rinsing their mouths at the end of the dinner, they were given betel leafs,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please  

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

poured innuendos

Jai Sri Ram,
Finding the gods dining,

Batches of women began to banter,

And rail at them in pleasant strains,

Charming women railed in sweet strains and poured innuendos,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, March 2, 2020

respectfully summoned all the members

Jai Sri Ram,
Himachal respectfully summoned all the members of the bridegroom's party,

Including Vishnu, Brahma and other gods of all classes,

The dinner guests sat in many rows,

And expert cooks began to serve,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Festive songs

Jai Sri Ram,
Festive songs began to be sung in the city,

Vases of Gold of every pattern were displayed by all,

Dishes of various kinds were prepared in accordance with the processes given in gastrological works,

Is it ever possible to describe the varieties of dishes prepared in the house where lived Mother Bhavani,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Then Mena

Jai Sri Ram,
In a trice the news spread from house to house throughout the city,

Then Mena and her consort Himvaan rejoiced

And bowed at Parvati's feet again and again,

All the citizens, including children, women and men, young as well as elderly people, were immediately delighted,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please