Saturday, March 19, 2016

common desire

Jai Sri Ram,
Al cherished in their heart a common desire,

They said, in their prayer to the great Shiva,

Would that king in his own life time appointed Sri Rama as his regent,

One day-the chief of Raghu Race sat with all his his court in the state assembly hall,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please  

amiability and genial disposition

Jai sri Ram,
Gazing on the moon like face of Sri Ramachandra the citizens were all happy in everyway,

All the Mothers with their companions and maids were delighted to see the creeper of their heart's desire bear fruit,

The King was particularly enraptured when he saw or heard of sri Rama,

The Beauty, goodness, amiability and genial disposition.

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Friday, March 18, 2016

The splendour of the capital

Jai Sri Ram,
The Success and prosperity, that rose in spate and flowed into the ocean of Ayodhya,

Men and women of the city were like jewels of a fine quality,

That bright priceless and charming all the way,

The splendour of the capital was beyond description, it seemed as if the creator's workmanship had been exhausted there,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

gorgeous rivers

Jai sri Ram,
From the day Sri Rama returned home duly married,

There was new festivity and jubilant music everyday,

The fourteen spheres were like huge mountains on which clouds in the shape of meritorious deeds poured showers of Joy,

The water thus discharged formed into gorgeous rivers of affluence,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sri Rama

Jai sri Ram,
Sri Rama is a truth to adore,

Sri Rama is a path to reach at self,

Sri Rama is a journey and the guide both,

Sri Rama is a tangible support at both ends,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I adore Sri Rama

Jai Sri Ram,
May the splendour of Sri Rama's lotus like face, Which neither grew brighter at the prospect of his being installed on the throne  of Ayodhya nor was dimmed by the painful experience of exile in the woods, ever sweet felicity to me,

I adore Sri Rama, The lord of Ragu's race,

Whose limbs are as dark and soft as a blue lotus,

Who has Sita enthroned in his left side and who holds in his hands a mighty arrow and a graceful bow,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

Monday, March 14, 2016


Jai Sri Ram,
May he in whose lap shines forth the daughter of mountain king,

The one that carries the celestial stream on his head,

On whose brow rest the crescent Moon, whose throat holds poison and whose breast is support of a huge serpent,

Who adorned by the ashes on his body, may that chief of gods, the lord of all that omnipresent Shiva, the Moon like Shankar. ever protect us,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Sunday, March 13, 2016

compensation and care

Jai sri Ram,
Sri Rama is a truth of compensation and care,

Those who lovingly sing or hear the story of Sita and Sri Rama Shall ever rejoice;

Sri Sita ji and Sri Rama is an abode of felicity,

Obeisance to Sri Rama and  Goddess Sita

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please

Indeed a mine of Blessings

Jai sri Ram,
Glory of Sri Sita and Rama is very life and sanctifier of the race of poets,

Indeed a mine of Blessings,

Sage Sri Sri Tulsidas sung the glory of lord Rama for a cause,

Those men who reverently hear or sing the sacred thread and marriage shall ever be happy by the grace of Sri Sita ji and Lord Rama,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please