Saturday, May 18, 2019

charming and holy at all times

Jai Sri Ram,
The river of Sri Rama's glory is delightful during all the ix seasons,

It is exceedingly charming and holy  at all times,

The wedding of goddess Parvati, the daughter of Himvan with Lord Shiva represents Hemant and cold season,

While the festival connected with Lord's advent represents the delightful Shisher or chilly season,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Friday, May 17, 2019

herons and crows

Jai Sri Ram,
The story of Sri Bharata, which ward of all calamities, is a Congregational  muttering of scared Formula carried on at the river bank,

While the references to the corruptions of the Kali age,

And to the evil propensities of wicked souls represent the scum on the water,

As the herons and crows living by the riverside,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

sri Rama is watching full episode,

Jai Sri Ram,
Sri Rama is not just a name but a tangible help to devotees which manifest at right time to kill the demons and safe guard the interest of devotees,

Sri Rama is an entity though manifest in that age but truth of omnipresent in all ages and aeons and nothing is hidden to him but he waits for the right occasion to strike that once for all to save guard the interest of devotees,

Sri Rama is define deity of the temple of heart of the devotees and qualified divinity which never remains silent when it comes to help the devotees, no one can cheat the devotees of Sri Rama for long, cheaters have to repent badly,

Sri Rama is a divinity with truth of reality when it comes to help the helpless devotees, ignorant can never make it to the mystery, Rama keeps with for favor of devotees, cheaters cheating the devotees of Lord Rama, beware and be warn, as nothing is hidden to Sri Rama, and sri Rama is watching full episode,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

prince regent

Jai Sri Ram,
The auspicious preparations that were gone through in connections with the installation of Sri Rama as the prince regent,

Represents as it were the crawls of bathers assembled at the river bank on a sacred occasion,

Kaikeyi's evil counsel represents the moss on the bank,

Which brought a serious calamity in its wake,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please  

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

exhilarating dip in the river

Jai Sri Ram,
The festivities connected with the weddings of Sri Rama and his younger brothers represents the graceful swell in the river,

Which is a source of delight to all,

Those who rejoice and experience a thrill of joy in narrating or hearing the story are the lucky souls,

Who take an exhilarating dip in the river,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, May 13, 2019

judicious replies

Jai sri Ram,
The numerous questions are boats on the river,

While the judicious replies to the same are the skilled boatmen,

The conversation that follows the narrations of the story is the crowd of travelers moving along the the river banks,

The wrath of Parshurama represents the furious current of this river, while Sri Rama's soft words are the strongly built Ghatas on the banks,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hare Rama

Jai Sri Ram,
The child like sports of the four divine brothers are the numerous lotus flowers of varied colors,

While the stock of merits of king Dasaratha and his consorts and court represent the bees and water birds,

The fascinating story of Sita's choice,

Marriage is the delightful charm surrounding the river,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please