Saturday, July 27, 2024

It should never be repeated to a Brahman hater

 Jai Sri Ram,

Said Shambhu, Listen Uma, blessed is the family, worthy of adoration for the whole world and hallowed too, in which is born an humble devotee of Rama, 

I have told you this Narrative According to my my own lights, although at First I kept it secret, I saw excessive fondness for the same in your heart and then I narrated to you the story of Rama, 

This Story should not be repeated to a perverse knave, who does not listen attentively to the story of Sri Hari, nor it should be recited to a greedy, irascible or lustful man who worship not Rama

It should never be repeated to  a Brahman hater, be a monarch as great as Indra, they alone are qualified to hear Narratives of Rama, who are extremely fond of communion with holy men, they alone are eligible to hear it, who are devoted to their preceptor, and are lover of propriety and votaries of Brahmans, The story affords special delight to them who hold the graceful Rama dear as their Life,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 26, 2024

blessed is the monarch who administrate the justice

 Jai Sri Ram,

He alone is omniscient and accomplished, he alone is wise, he alone is an ornament of the globe, learned and munificent, he alone is pious, and the saviour of his race, whose mind is devoted to the feet of Sri Rama, 

He alone is perfect in correct behaviour and most sagacious, he alone has thoroughly grasped the conclusion of the Vedas and alone is the seer and a man of erudition, and saunch in battle, who adores the Rama in guileless and blessed spirit,

Blessed is the Land where flows the celestial stream Sri Ganga, blessed is the wife who observe a vow of fidelity to her husband, blessed is the monarch who administrate the justice, Blessed is the Brahman who swerves not from his duty, blessed is the wealth which is used to the best knowledge, 

Best is the Intellect and ripe too, which is devoted to pious acts, blessed is the hour which is spent in communion with saints, blessed is the birth in which one practices unceasing devotion to the twice born that Brahmans,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

flew away to Vaikuntha

 Jai Sri Ram,

Lovingly bowed his head at Kakabhushundi feet, who was so resolute of purpose, then flew away to Vaikuntha, the divine abode of Lord Vishnu, with an image of Rama, imprinted on his heart,

Said Shiva, Girija, there is no again so valuable as the fellowship of Saints, however cannot be had without the grace of Sri Hari, so declare by the Vedas and Puranas,I have thus repeated the most sacred narratives, by hearing which one is freed from the bonds of worldly existence and comes to have devotion to the lotus feet of the all merciful Rama, 

Rama, who by nature is wish yielding tree to the suppliant, again, they who listen to this narrative attentively to sacred places and other means of self purification, and perfection in Yoga through mind control, dispassion, and wisdom, scared rites and self control, Japa and austere penance, performing manifold sacrifices, compassion to all living beings, ministering to the Brahmanas and one's preceptor, learning, modesty, right judgement and nobility of mind, and character, in short all the expredients extolled in the Vedas, Bhavini, but one reward, devotion to Sri Hari, Such devotion to the Lord of Raghus, as has been glorified in the Vedas is attained by some rare soul by the grace of Rama, 

Although such devotion to Sri Hari is scarce attainable even by the sages, it can be easily attained by man who constantly listen to this story with Faith,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Saints, trees, rivers, mountains, and the earth,

 Jai Sri Ram,

My Lord, I am, however, incapable of repaying my obligation to you, and simply adore your feet again and again, 

You are fully satiated and a lover of Rama, no one is so blessed as you are, Venerable sir, Saints, trees, rivers, mountains, and the earth, all these operate for the good of others, 

The poets have declare the heart of a saint to be soft as butter, but they did not know what should be said, for, while butter melts only when the same is heated on fire, Holy saints melts at the suffering of others,

My life and birth into this world have both been rewarded and by your grace all my doubts have fled, ever regard me as your own servant, again and again did the chief of birds speak thus, O Uma

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

On hearing Bhusandi's blessed discoursed

 Jai Sri Ram,

On hearing Bhusandi's blessed discoursed and perceiving his devotion to Rama, who was rid of all doubts, replied in endearing terms, 

I have attained the object of my life now,that I have listened to your discourse, imbued with the nectar of devotion to Sri Rama,'s feet, 

My Love for Sri Rama;s feet has been renewed and the trouble created by Maya that deluded potency of Lord, has all ended, 

You have been a vessel to me, drifting as I was in the ocean of infatuation, and have offered my delights in various ways, my lord,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bhusandi Rejoiced again and again

 Jai Sri Ram,

I have narrated the incomparable story of Sri Hari according to my own lights, forgetting all duties Rama alone should be adored, who else is worth serving, if you renounce the almighty, Rama, who regards the fool like me as his own, you are wisdom incarnate and have no infatuation, on the other hand you have done me a great favour that you asked me to repeat the most sacred Story of Rama, which delights the soul, 

The fellowship of saint is difficult to get in this world, be it for the twinkling of an eye or for half an hour even for once, ponder in your heart and see for yourself whether I am competent in anyway to worship Rama, vilest bird that impure by nature yet Lord has made me known as purifier of the world,Bhusandi Rejoiced again and again as he pondered Rama's manifold virtues, that I should enjoy the grace of Sri Rama, whose glory sung by the time, ages and aeons, 

Strivers and perfect souls, that liberated and the serrs and learned men, those knowing the secrets of Karma and those renounced the all actions, mystics and valiant heroes, great ascetics and wise men, pious souls and men of erudition and even men who have realized the self, none of these can cross the ocean of mundane existence without adoring Rama, 

Whose name is unfailing remedy for the disease of birth and death and alleviates the three kinds of terrible pains, May Rama remains propitious to me and you, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

soul bathes in the pure water of wisdom

 Jai Sri Ram,

When the soul bathes in the pure water of wisdom, the heart is saturated with devotion to Sri Rama, Shiva, Brahma and all other sages and seers of ages and aeons are of this reality, that one should cultivate devotion to the lotus feet of Rama,

Vedas and Puranas including all ancient scriptures of celestial cult declare that there can be no happiness without practising devotion to Rama, it would be easier for the hair to grow on the shall of tortoise, or for the progeny of a barren woman to slay anyone or for flowers of every description to appear in the air than for any creature to be happy even through hostile to Sri Hari, 

Sooner shall thirst be slaked by drinking of a mirage or horns sprout on a hare's head or darkness efface the sun han a creature who has turned his face against Sri Rama find happiness, sooner shall fire appear out of ice than an enemy of Sri Rama enjoy happiness,

Sooner shall butter be churned out of water or oil be extracted from sand than the ocean of worldly existence be crossed without adoring Sri Hari, this is conclusion which cannot be set aside, Rama can exalt a mosquito to an Brahma and degrade Brahma to a lowest position lower than a mosquito, I tell you my considered view and my words can never be untrue, men who worship Rama are able to cross the most turbulent ocean of mundane existence,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

grows stronger everyday and weakness in the form of sensual appetite goes,

 Jai Sri Ram,

People die even of one disease, while I have spoken of many incurable diseases which constantly torments the soul, How, then, can it find peace, there are sacred vows and religious observances and practices, austere penance, spiritual wisdom, sacrifices, Japa that muttering the name, charity and myriads of other remedies too, but the maladies just enumerated do yield to these, O Garuda Ji, 

Thus ever creature in the world is ailling and is further afflicted with grief and joy, fear, love and desolation, I have mentioned only few diseases of the mind, although plague of mankind, diminish to a certain extent on being detected but are not completely destroyed, feed by the unwholesome diet of sensuality they sprout even in the mind of sages, to say nothing of poor mortals, 

All these ailments can no doubt be eradicated if by grace of Rama, there must be faith in the word of the physician in the form of true preceptor, and the regimen is indifference to the pleasure of senses, Devotion to Rama is life giving herb, while devote mind serves as the vehicle in which it is taken, 

By this process the ailments can certainly be eradicated, otherwise all our affords will fail to get rid of them, the mind should be accounted as cured, only when heart gathered strong in the form of dispassion, applite in the shape of good resolution grows stronger everyday and weakness in the form of sensual appetite goes,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please