Saturday, June 10, 2023

who had practiced all kinds of virtues in a series of previous births,

Jai Sri Ram, 

Sri Rama lovingly asked the sage, Tell me, my Lord, by which route we should go smilingly inwardly the sage replied to Rama, 

All the routes are easy for you, Sage then called his pupils in order that they may escort Sri Rama, hearing his call some fifty of them came, glad of heart, 

They all cherished boundless love for Sri Rama and each of them said he had seen the path, the sage then sent with the royal party four religious students who had practiced all kinds of virtues in a series of previous births, 

Making obeisance to the sage and receiving his permission Rama proceeded with a cheerful heart, as they all passed by some village, villagers felt gratified in having attained the fruit of their life and returned disconsolate sending their hearts after the strangers,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, June 9, 2023

Rama reposed in the hermitage overnight,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage Bharadwaj invoked his blessing on Rama, and felt great joy in his heart that God had as was set before him in visible form, enquiring welfare the sage allotted seats to the royal guests in love that eternal, offer bulbs, roots, and fruits and sprouts that best in themselves all the way, 

Sage addressed Rama, today my penance, pilgrimage, and renunciation has met with respective rewards that beyond perceptive skill, O Rama, there is no culmination of gain, joy and other than this, in beholding you my hopes have been realized, now be pleased to grant me the boon that spontaneous attachment to your lotus feet,

Until a man gets sincerely devoted to you in thought, words, and deed, he cannot even dream of happiness in spite of all his devices, Rama told the sage all about countless ways the fair and bright renown of his sagacious truth, both experienced the ineffable joy, 

Rama reposed in the hermitage overnight, at daybreak he bathed at Prayag and proceeded on his journey along with Sita and Laxman, and Guha, bowing his head to the sage,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please  

Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Rama then called on Bharadwaja

 Jai Sri Ram,

Virtuos and holy saints wait upon this king and attain all that they may desire, while the Vedas and Puranas are the rhapsodists who recount his stainless virtues, who can describe the glory of Prayaga, a lion as it were for the herd of elephants in the shape of sins, 

Rama was filled with delight at the se gracious truth of Prayag, with his own mind he narrates the glory of this holy giant to Sita and Laxman, visit the numerous designated holy places, and bow his head in comprehensive devotion, 

Then Rama arrived at the confluence of the Ganga and Yanuma, the very thought of which bestows all choice blessings, after bathing in the confluence He gladly adore Lord Shiva and worshipped the deities presiding over the holy Prayaga according to the prescribed rituals, 

The Rama then called on Bharadwaja, and Sage clasped him to his bosom, joy Sage felt within his heart is beyond words, it looked as if he had found the bliss of oneness with Brahma incarnate,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Rama visited Prayag Raj

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sita rejoiced to hear these benedictory words of goddess Ganga and to find her favorably disposed of, then Rama said to Guha to go home, a moment of great agony for him, with joined palm pray to Rama in more than one form that to let him continue with him, to serve him with his capacity, once more he asked Rama,

Perceiving him natural love Rama took him with him and Guha sent his kinsmen back, Rama invoked Ganesha and Shiva, bow his head to the Ganga, and proceeded to the woods, 

That day halted under a huge tree, Laxman and Guha provided respective comforts to stay in, at the dawn of the day, after daily routine purification Rama visited Prayag Raj, Treasue of this unique celestial entity is replete with four rewards of human life, 

The sacred region in truth with the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna, holy Prayag known for being the giver of access to self to the cause eternal, confluence of Ganga and Yamuna constitute his exquisite throne, while the immortal banyan tree represents the celestial shelter which provides the soothing experience to the soul, the waves of the Ganga and Yamuna constitute his chowries, whose every sight destroys sorrow and undue wants of the journey,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

you have done me a favor and exalted me

 Jai Sri Ram,

Rama bathed in the Ganga and after worshipping a newly made Parthiv lingam, bowed his head, with joined palms Sita addressed Goddes Ganga, pray to accomplish my desire, that I may return with my husband and his younger brother and worship you again,

Said the Ganga, listen, O Vedeha's daughter and beloved consort of Rama, who is not aware of your truth and glory, people become masters of the heaven's quarters the moment You look at them and all supernatural powers wait upon you,

You making humble entities to me, you have done me a favor and exalted me, yet, O venerable lady, bless you I must, just in order to fulfill my speech,

With your beloved lord and his younger, you shall safely return to Ayodhya, each wish of your heart shall be accomplished and bright glory shall spread throughout the world,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, June 5, 2023

the ferryman would accept nothing

 Jai Sri Ram,

Getting down from the boat, Sita and Rama stood on the sands of the Ganga along with Guha and Laxman, the ferryman too got down, and fell prostrate before the Lord, who felt uncomfortable at the thought that he had given nothing to the ferryman, 

Sita, however, who could read the mind of her beloved lord, took off her jeweled ring with a cheerful heart, the gracious lord said, take your toll, but the ferryman clasped his feet in great distress, what have I not already received, my lord, the fire of my errors, sorrow, and indigence has been quenched today, 

I worked for my livelihood for a long time, and it is only today that God has given me an adequate and handsome return, by your grace, my compassionate lord, I want nothing now, whatever you bestow on me I shall thankfully accept that Boon,

The Lord as well as Laxman and Sita did their utmost, but the ferryman would accept nothing, the all-merciful Rama, therefore, dismissed him after bestowing on him the boon of unalloyed devotion, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

we are getting late

 Jai Sri Ram,

On hearing these words of the ferryman, mysterious thoughts imbued with love, the all-merciful lord looked at Sita and Laxman and smiled,

The all-compassionate Lord smilingly said fo that what may prevent the loss of your boat, bring, bring water at once and lave my feet, we are getting late, take us across, the same gracious lord, by uttering whose name only once men cross the boundless ocean of mundane existence, and for three strides the universe proved too small, thus importuned an ordinary boatman, though bewildered by the lord's words. Sri Ganga rejoiced on beholding the neils of his toss,

On receiving Sri Rama's command, the ferryman brought a wood basin full of water, in great joy and with a heart overflowing with love he proceed to bathe the lord's lotus feet, raining on him all the gods envied and said there was none so meritorious as he,

Having Laved the Lord's feet and drunk of the water in which they had been immersed along with the other members of his family, he thereby transported the souls of his deceased forbears across the ocean of the metempsychosis and the gladly took the lord Across the Ganga, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please