Saturday, November 11, 2017

good government

Jai Sri Ram
Clever husbandmen protect their crops by uprooting the weeds, just as wise discard infatuation, vanity and pride,

The Cakravaka birds are no more to be seen, just as virtues disappear with the kali age,

Even though it rains in the barren land as well, not a blade of grass sprouts on it, just as concupiscence takes no root in the heart of a servant of sri Hari,

The earth looks charming with the swarm of various living creature even as the population grows under a good government,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Friday, November 10, 2017

spoiled by freedom,

Jai Sri Ram
The dust cannot be found even if one searches for it-just as piety is scared away by anger,

The earth rich with crops appears as delightful as the wealth of a geneious man,

In the thick darkness of the night fireflies gleam like a mustered band of hypocrites,

The embankment of the field have been breached by territorial rains just as women get spoiled by freedom,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks please

Thursday, November 9, 2017

chanting the Vedas

Jai Sri Ram
On all sides one hears the delightful croaking of frogs,

Which reminds one of a batch of religious students chanting the Vedas,

Clothed with new leaves the trees of different species look as green and cheerful as the mind of a striving soul who has attained spiritual wisdom,

The leaves of Aka and Javaka plants have fallen of even as under a good government the plans of the wicked come to naught,

May lord bless all

Thanks please 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The water

Jai sri Ram
The water becomes turbid the moment at descends on the earth, even as the Jiva is enveloped in Maya as soon as born,

The Water coming from various directions gathers into a pool even as commendable virtues find their way into the heart of a noble soul,

The Water of the stream becomes still once it pours into the ocean, just as the ego finds eternal rest on attaining unison with Sri Hari

The Green Earth is so choked with grass that the tracks cannot be distinguished, just as holy books are obscured by heretic doctrine,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please  

taunts of the wicked,

Jai sri Ram
The lightening fleshes fitfully amid the clouds like the friendship of the wicked which never endures,

The pouring clouds cleave close to the ground even as the learned stoop beneath accumulated lore,

The mountain endures the buffering of showers even as the saint would put up with the taunts of the wicked,

The swelling steamlets rush with great speed just as the wicked would feel elated even with a small fortune,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks Please

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

my heart trembles

Jai sri Ram
As the rains had set in, the sky was overcast with clouds, which made a delightful rumbling noise,

Look here-Laxman-the peacocks dance at the sight of clouds,

Even as a householder having a leaning towards dispassion would rejoice to see a devotee of Bhagwan Vishnu,

The clouds are fast gathering in the sky and making terrible noise-bereft of Sita-my heart trembles to see all this,

May lord bless all,

Thanks please

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sri Rama gave discourse

Jai Sri Ram
Taking the form of bees, birds and beasts, gods, siddhas, and hermits did service to the Lord,

The forest become a picture of felicity from the time Sri Rama took up His residence there,

There was a delightful and glistering rock of crystal, on which two brothers sat as ease,

Sri Rama gave discourse to his younger brother on many topic such as devotion, dispassion, statecraft and spiritual wisdom,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

the suzerain lord

Jai sri Ram
The God had already kept readily for him a charming cave to the mountain in the hope that all merciful Sri Rama would come and stay there for a few days,

The lovely forest rich in flowers, presented a most splendid sight with its swarms of bees humming in greed of honey,

Delightful bulbs, roots, fruits and leaves grew in abundance from time the lord came there,

Seeing the mountain incomparable in its charm, sri Rama-the suzerain lord of gods, stayed there with his younger brother,

May Lord bless all

Thanks Please