Saturday, June 22, 2024

cannot be eliminated except through worship of Sri Hari,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The good and evil, which are the creation of Sri Hari's delusive potency, cannot be eliminated except through worship of Sri Hari, 

Bearing this in mind, and forswearing all desire,  one should adore Sri Hari, In that age of Kali I lived in Ayodhya for many years till a famine occured, when stricken by adversity I had to Move to another place,

I went to Ujjain, miserable, downcast, penniless and afflicted, time elapsed, acquire some wealth and again began worshipping lord Shiva at that Very Place, there had been a Brahman that persistently worshiping Shiva, had no other occupation, pious by nature and knower of that truth, but no reviler of Vishnu, I served him with heart, was very kind to me, taught me lot as his son, 

That Great Brahman imparted me a mystic formula Sacred To Lord Shambhu, gave kind advice, I used to go to a temple of Shiva and repeat the formula there with unbounded ostentation and conceit in my heart,

May Lord Bless all, 

Thanks, please 

Friday, June 21, 2024

No other age can be compare with Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

No other age can be compare with Kali age provided a man has faith in its virtue, for in this age one can easily cross the ocean of transmigration simply by singing Sri Rama's holy praises,

Piety has four well known pillars, that Satya Tap, Daya and Daan, that truth austere penance, compassion and charity, Of them one is prominent in the kali age. charity performed in any way conduces to one's spiritual good, 

Proclaimed by the Rama's delusive potency that Maya, the characteristics of all the four Yugas manifest themselves in everyone's heart everyday, The presence of Satya, evenness of mind, spiritual insight and the feeling of Vivacity in the heart are effects of Satya Yug, Abundance of Satya with slight mixture of Rajas, attachments to acton, and happiness of every kind are characteristics of TretaMuch Rajas with little Satya with a feeling of mingled joy and terror in the heart are the distinguished features of Dwaper, A large proportion of Tamas with a slight mixture of Rajas and antagonism everywhere are effects of Kali,

The wise discern the characteristics of the different Yugas in their mind and forswearing unrighteousness devote themselves to piety The characteristic of time spirit have no effect on him who is excessively fond of Sri Rama's feet, the deception practised by a juggler, O king of the Birds, is formidable indeed but the tricks of a juggler cannot deceive his servant,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

In the Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

In the Satyayuga everyone is possessed of mystic powers, and wise too, hence in that age men cross the ocean of mundane existence by meditating upon Sri Hari, 

In Treta age men perform sacrifices of various kinds and cross the ocean of metempsychosis by dedicating their actions to the Lord,

In the Dwaper age men cross the ocean of worldly existence by adoring the feet of Sri Rama, there being no other mean to do it, 

In the Kali age neither Yoga that contemplation of mind, nor performances of sacrifices nor spiritual wisdom is of that avail, one;s hope lies in hymning Sri Rama's praise undoubtedly cross the ocean of transmigration, the power of name is thus manifest in the kali age, the kali age possesses another scared virtue, in this age projected acts of virtue are rewarded, but projected sins are not punished,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

name of Sri Hari in the Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, O enemy of serpents, the Kali age is a storehouse of impurities, and vices,

But it has many virtues too, final emancipation is possible in this kali age without any exertion, 

Moreover the same goal which is reached through worship of God, performance of sacrifices or practice of Yoga in the Satyayuga, Treta and Dvapara, 

Men are able to attain through the name of Sri Hari in the Kali age,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today

Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, an auspicious chapter for men to rejoice eternally and make it to the truth of self for the ultimate cause of being man on the planet,

Fortunate is the embodied soul on the planet in the truth of man that to capitalize self to remake it for that stage of beatitude, And Sri Ekadasi is a fair support that tangible by nature,

Three kind of strength men needs to sustain in the journey of life, strength of the gross body that could be attain through disciplined life with truth of Yoga and suitable diet, strength of mind can only be imbibed through serene cult of self, concentration and meditation could be the defined milestone to reach, Strength of Atman that Atmik Bal can only be imbibe in truth with eternity of self,

Sri Ekadasi is the day that embodiment with eternity and help spirit suitable to reach the condition to make it, it may impart that strength eternally to reach dignified truth of Atmik Bal, Indeed a mystic reality hard to believe yet a Reality that time and ages support uninterruptedly,



Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Monday, June 17, 2024

pamper their body, while slanderers are diffused all over the world

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, O Lord of the winged creatures, in age of Kali duplicity, perversity, hypocrisy, malice, heresy, pride, infatuation, concupiscence and arrogance ect, pervades the whole universe,

Men practise Jaap that muttering of prayer, austere penance and charity, perform sacrifices and undertake scared vows with some unholy motive, the God rains not upon the earth and food grains sown in the soil do not germinate, 

Women have no ornament except their tresses and have an enormous appetite, though miserable for want of money, they are rich in attachments of Various kinds, are poor in wits, their mind is hardened and no tenderness,

As for men they are tormented with diseases and find no enjoyment anywhere, are conceited and contend with others without any rhyme or reason, Kali age has driven men mad, no one respect the sanctity of one's own sister or daughter, no contentment, no discernment, nor composer, all taken to begging, envy harsh words and covetousness are rompant, while evenness of mind is absent, are smitten with bereavement and deep sorrow,, duties and rule of conduct neglected, charity, compassion and wisdom disappears in them, while stupidity and fraud multiply in large extent,  men women pamper their body, while slanderers are diffused all over the world,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sri Ganga Dushera today,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ganga Dushera today, a great holy chapter for aspirants and devotees to make it for self that not only to sanctify the self but to ensure self for safe passage herefater,

It is a day to address the self about the glory of mother Ganga, indeed a day to approach mother Ganga in all humility to learn the truth of beatitude in context with atman and about that unification eternally,

A day to oblige self through discipline of the day, day to show compassion to fellow beings and perform charity for the true cause, apart from entering in truth of sanctifying self through mild application of self in truth with described discipline of the day,

Holy Dip in the Ganga alone can never comply the cause set for, it needs moral obligation with life and truth to attain to the truth of celestial stream, day to adore the spiritual injunctions to glorify self, 

Jai Maa Ganga