Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sri Ganga Dushera today,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ganga Dushera today, a great holy chapter for aspirants and devotees to make it for self that not only to sanctify the self but to ensure self for safe passage herefater,

It is a day to address the self about the glory of mother Ganga, indeed a day to approach mother Ganga in all humility to learn the truth of beatitude in context with atman and about that unification eternally,

A day to oblige self through discipline of the day, day to show compassion to fellow beings and perform charity for the true cause, apart from entering in truth of sanctifying self through mild application of self in truth with described discipline of the day,

Holy Dip in the Ganga alone can never comply the cause set for, it needs moral obligation with life and truth to attain to the truth of celestial stream, day to adore the spiritual injunctions to glorify self, 

Jai Maa Ganga