Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today

Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, an auspicious chapter for men to rejoice eternally and make it to the truth of self for the ultimate cause of being man on the planet,

Fortunate is the embodied soul on the planet in the truth of man that to capitalize self to remake it for that stage of beatitude, And Sri Ekadasi is a fair support that tangible by nature,

Three kind of strength men needs to sustain in the journey of life, strength of the gross body that could be attain through disciplined life with truth of Yoga and suitable diet, strength of mind can only be imbibed through serene cult of self, concentration and meditation could be the defined milestone to reach, Strength of Atman that Atmik Bal can only be imbibe in truth with eternity of self,

Sri Ekadasi is the day that embodiment with eternity and help spirit suitable to reach the condition to make it, it may impart that strength eternally to reach dignified truth of Atmik Bal, Indeed a mystic reality hard to believe yet a Reality that time and ages support uninterruptedly,



Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu