Saturday, May 25, 2024

listen to my most secret teaching

 Jai Sri Ram,

Now listen to my most secret teaching_which is not only true and intelligible but also has been echoed by the Vedas, I give you to hear my own conclusion, listen to it and imprint it on your mind, and forswearing everything else, worship me, This world with all its varieties of life, animate and inanimate, is creation of my Maya, that delusive potency, I LOVE THEM ALL,

Of Human beings Brahmans are dearest to me of all, In Brahman, those versed in light of Vedas, again those that follows the course of conduct matching verdict of Vedas, among those who are averse to pleasure and lead a life of eternal renunciation, yet more of the wise, more than that I love the man of realization all the more, more beloved to me than all those are my servants, disinterested servants, of them who solely depends on me as my devotee, IF BRAHMA THAT VIRANCHI HAS NO DEVOTION TO ME, HE WOULD BE ONLY AS DEAR AS ALL OTHER CREATURE,


Tell me, who would not love a faithful, amiable and sagacious servant, Listen attentively Kakabhusandi, the Vedas and Puranas declare this to be a sound principle_____

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, May 24, 2024

realize this

 Jai Sri Ram,

I am pleased to see your sagacity in that you have sought devotion, which is extremely dear to my heart,

Listen, O Bird, by my grace now all good qualities shall abide in your heart, Devotion, spiritual wisdom, realization, dispassion, Yoga, 

My exploits as well as my secrets and classification, by my grace you shall obtain all these and shall not be required to undergo the rigorous Sadhana, 

None of the error arise from Maya shall cloud your mind any more, henceforth know me the same Brahma, who is without beginning , birth less, devoid of attributes and yet mine of virtues, Listen, Kakabhusandi, realize this, cherish unflinching devotion to my feet in thought, word and deed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

So be it

 Jai Sri Ram,

Of what avail is any virtues and blessings without adoration, pondering thus, I replied as follows, it is your pleasure my lord, to grant me a boon and if you are kind and affectionate to me,

I ask my cherished boon, for you are generous and know the secrets of all hearts,

O my lord, tree of paradise to the devotees, friend of suppliant, ocean of compassion, and unalloyed which the Vedas and Puranas extol, which is sought after the sages and great Yogis but attained by few and that too be Lord's grace,

So be it, said gracious Rama, and continued in these most pleasing terms, Listen, Kakabhusandi, you are sagacious by nature, no wonder, therefore, that you ask this boon, no one in this world is so blessed as you, since you have sought the gift of devotion, which is fountain of all blessings, and which even sages cannot attain in spite of all their efforts, even though they consume their body in the fire of prayer and meditation,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

so many auxiliary dishes without salt

 Jai Sri Ram,

Hearing my loving words and seeing the wretched plight of his servants, Rama spoke in words which were not only soft and pleasing but profound at the same time,

Kakabhusandi, I ask of me a boon, knowing me to be highly pleased with you, be it mystic powers, fabulous wealth as possessed by Kubera, and final beatitude, which is the fountain of all joy,

Or spiritual wisdom, critical judgement, dispassion, realization and numerous other virtues which cannot be easily attained in this world even by the sages,

Today I am prepared to give you all, ask whatever pleases your mind, on hearing it, overwhelmed with love and began to reason within myself, Lord, it is true, has promised to give me all kind of blessings but did not offer to grant devotion to his own feet, with that devotion all sorts of virtues are like so many auxiliary dishes without salt,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I lost conscious of my body

 Jai Sri Ram,

Seeing this childish play and recalling that glory, I lost conscious of my body, and crying,

Save me, Save me, Save me, O protector of devotees, I dropped on the ground, no other word came to my mouth, 

When Lard saw me overpowered with love, he immediately checked the power of his Maya, Lord placed his hand on my head and relived me of all sorrows,

Seeing Lord's loving kindness to his devotees my heart began to throb with profuse love, eyes full of tears, made supplication to him in many ways,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Rama again began the same childish sports, pranks with me

 Jai Sri Ram

It seemed as if hundred cycles had been spent in my wandering through the many universes, At last of my travels I came to my own hermitage and stayed there for some time,

Meanwhile I happened to hear of my Lord's Birth at Ayodhya, I ran with overwhelming ecstasy of love and went to witness the grand festival of his birth, 

There again I beheld the divine Rama, my understanding was obscured by the mists of delusion, in less than an hour I have gone through everything, was lost in a maze,

Seeing my distress the gracious Rama laughed and mark me, the moment he laughed I came out of his mouth, Rama again began the same childish sports, pranks with me, I reasoned wit my self in everyway I could, but,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi is being celebrated like anything today, being hosted by Sacred Baisakh, in truth with vibes from Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, a great savior in all the universes of giant reality,

A day to love self in truth with lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, a day to recall the gracious truth of almighty Lord Vishnu,

Divinity of Adi Purusha manifest in devotees to help them in their both causes on this pious day, devotees and aspirants capitalize this unique opportunity with faith and reverence,

It is a Day to Recall the truth of Universal truth known in the name of Lord Vishnu, a day to sanctify self by discarding cunning and deceit modes of life, and decorate self with divine colors of faith and submission, 

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu