Thursday, May 23, 2024

So be it

 Jai Sri Ram,

Of what avail is any virtues and blessings without adoration, pondering thus, I replied as follows, it is your pleasure my lord, to grant me a boon and if you are kind and affectionate to me,

I ask my cherished boon, for you are generous and know the secrets of all hearts,

O my lord, tree of paradise to the devotees, friend of suppliant, ocean of compassion, and unalloyed which the Vedas and Puranas extol, which is sought after the sages and great Yogis but attained by few and that too be Lord's grace,

So be it, said gracious Rama, and continued in these most pleasing terms, Listen, Kakabhusandi, you are sagacious by nature, no wonder, therefore, that you ask this boon, no one in this world is so blessed as you, since you have sought the gift of devotion, which is fountain of all blessings, and which even sages cannot attain in spite of all their efforts, even though they consume their body in the fire of prayer and meditation,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please