Wednesday, May 22, 2024

so many auxiliary dishes without salt

 Jai Sri Ram,

Hearing my loving words and seeing the wretched plight of his servants, Rama spoke in words which were not only soft and pleasing but profound at the same time,

Kakabhusandi, I ask of me a boon, knowing me to be highly pleased with you, be it mystic powers, fabulous wealth as possessed by Kubera, and final beatitude, which is the fountain of all joy,

Or spiritual wisdom, critical judgement, dispassion, realization and numerous other virtues which cannot be easily attained in this world even by the sages,

Today I am prepared to give you all, ask whatever pleases your mind, on hearing it, overwhelmed with love and began to reason within myself, Lord, it is true, has promised to give me all kind of blessings but did not offer to grant devotion to his own feet, with that devotion all sorts of virtues are like so many auxiliary dishes without salt,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please