Saturday, March 11, 2023

rising of the sun

 Jai Sri Ram,

Midst of her companions Sita shone as a personification of the supreme beauty among other embodiments of beauty, she held in one of her lotus hands the fair wreath of victory, resplended with the glory of triumph over the whole universe, while her body shrank with modesty,

Her heart was full of rupture, and her hidden love could not be perceived by others, as she drew near and beheld Sri Rama's beauty, princes Sita stood motionless as a portrait, a clever companion, who perceived her in this condition exhorted her saying,

Invest the bridegroom with the beautiful victory, at this she realized the wreath with both of her hands but was too overwhelmed with emotion to garland him, in this act her uplifted hands shone as if a pair of lotuses with their stalks were timidly investing the moon with a wreath of victory,

At this charming sight, her companions broke into a song, while Sita placed the wreath of victory around Sri Rama's neck so as to adorn his breast, Witnessing the wreath of victory resting on Sri Rama's bosom, gods rained down flowers, while the kings all shranks in confusing like Lillies at the rising of the sun,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Talented bards, minstrels, and panegyrists

 Jai Sri Ram,

Talented bards, minstrels, and panegyrists sang praises, and everybody gave away horses, elephants, riches, jewels, and raiment as an act of invocation of God's blessings on the youthful champion. there was a crash of cymbals and tabors, conches and chariots, drums and sweet-sounding kettledrums, 

Both large and small many charming instruments also played, everywhere young women sang auspicious strains the queen with her companions was much delighted, as through a withering crop of paddy had been refreshed by the shower, King Janaka was now carefree and felt gratified as if a tired swimmer had reached a shallow, 

The king countenances fall at the breaking of the bow, just as a lamp is dimmed at the dawn of the day, Sita's delight could only be compared to that of a female Cataka bird on receiving a raindrop when the sun is in the same latitude as the constellation named Svati, Laxman fixed his eyes on Rama as the young Cakora bird gazed on the moon, Satananda then Gave the word and sita advanced towards Rama,

Accompanied by her fair and talented companions who were singing festal songs she paced like a cygnet, her limbs possessing infinite charm, 

May Lord bless LL,

thanks, please 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

The bow of Sankara

 Jai Sri Ram,

The bow of Sankara was the bark and Rama's strength of arm was the ocean to be crossed with its aid, the whole host of which we have spoken above, that had boarded the ship out of ignorance, was downed above, that had boarded the ship out of ignorance, was drowned,

The Lord tossed on the ground the two broken pieces of the bow and everyone rejoiced at the sight, Visvamitra stood as the holy ocean, full of sweet and unfathomable water of love, beholding Sri Rama's beauty, which represented the full moon, the sage felt an increasing thrill of joy, which may be compared to a rising tide in the ocean, 

Jettle drum sounded with a great noise in the heavens, celestial damsels sang and danced, Brahma and the other gods, Siddhas, and great sages praise the lord and gave him blessings raining down wraths and flowers of various colors, the Kinnars that a class of demigods, sang melodies strains,

The shouts of victory re echoed throughout the universe, and the crash that followed the breaking of the bow was drowned in it, everywhere men and women in their joy kept saying that Rama had broken the massive bow of Sambhu, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Happy Holi

Jai Sri Ram,
Last full moon of the Hindu calendar year to rejoice in the color of life in truth with the celebration, a day to rejoice eternally in love with the reality of the journey whatsoever it may be irrespective of all odds, and many more reasons to enjoin this festivities hosted by celestials on the planet,  

Wishing Very auspicious Holi,

Wishing Very Meaningful Holi,

Wishing  reckoning Holi for spirit to mark the day in lineage with Lord Vishnu to ensure his abode hereafter just through a mild application of self in colors of life, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Jai Sri Ram,

He found Sita greatly agitated, every moment that passed hung on her as a whole lifetime of the universe, if a thirsty man dies for want of water, of what avail is a lake of nectar to him once he is dead, 

What good is a shower when the whole crop is dried up, what use repenting over once the opportunity is lost, thinking thus within himself, Rama looked at Sita and a thrilled all over to perceive her singular devotion,

He inwardly made obeisance to Visvamitra and TOOK UP THE BOW WITH GREAT AGILITY----the bow gleamed liked a flesh of lighting as he grasped it in his hand, and it appeared like a circle in the sky, no one knew when he took it in hands, string it and drew it tight, EVERYONE SAW HIM STANDING WITH THE BOW DRAWN, INSTANTLY SRI RAMA BROKE THE BOW IN HALVES, the awful crash resounded through all the spheres, 

The awful crash reached through the spheres, the horses of the sun strayed from their course, the elephants of the quarters trumpeted, the earth shook, the serpent king, the divine boar and the divine tortoise fidgeted about, gods, demons, and sages put their hands to their ears and all began anxiously to ponder the cause, but when they learned says Tulidasa, that Sri Rama had broken the bow, they uttered shouts of VICTORY,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, March 6, 2023

be ready,

 Jai Sri Ram,

O elephant guarding cardinal points, O divine tortoise, O serpent king, and O divine boar, steadily hold the earth, that it may not shake, Sri Rama seeks to break the bow of Sankaram therefore, listen to my command and be ready,

When Rama drew near to the bow, men and women present there invoked on his behalf the help of gods as well as of their past good deeds, the doubts and ignorance of all who had assembled there, the arrogance of the foolish kings, the proud pretensions of Parasurama,

The apprehension of gods and great sages, the distress of Sita, king Janaka's remorse, and the fire of the queen's terrible agony, all these boarded together the great bark of Sambhu's bow, with whose help they sought to cross the boundless ocean of Sri Rama's strength of arm, but there was no helmsman to steer the ship,

Rama first looked at the crowd of spectators, and found them motionless as the figures of a drawing, the gracious Lord then turned his eyes towards sita and perceived Her in deep distress, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 


Sunday, March 5, 2023


 Jai Sri Ram, 

Held captive within her lotus-like mouth her bee-like speech refused to stir out for fear of the night of modesty, tears remained confined within the corner of her eyes, just as the gold of a stingy miser remains buried in a nook of his house,

Sita felt abashed when she perceived her great agitation of mind, summoning up courage in her heart, therefore, she confidently said to herself, IF I AM TRUE TO MY VOW IN THOUGHT, WORD, and DEED, and if my mind is really attached to the lotus feet of Sri Rama, I AM SURE GOD, who dwells in the heart of all, WILL MAKE ME SRI RAMA's BONDSLAVE,

FOR ONE GET UNITED WITHOUT DOUBT WITH HIM FOR WHOM ONE CHRISH TRUE LOVE, casting a glance at the lord she resolved to love him even at the cost of her life, the embodiment of compassion, understood it all, looking at Sita He glanced at the bow as the Garuda would gaze on a poor little snake,

When Laxmana perceived that the jewel of Raghus's race had cast a glance at the bow of Hara, the hair on his body stood erect and he uttered the following words pressing the crust of the earth under his foot,,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please