Saturday, June 1, 2024

All winged creatures, from yourself down to the mosquito

 Jai sri Ram,

All winged creatures, from yourself down to the mosquito, take their flight across the sky, but none can reach the end of it, 

Even so, dear Garuda, can anyone ever gauge the extent of Sri Rama's greatness, unfathomable as it is, Sri Rama's body possesses the charm of a myriad cupids,

He is inexorable in crushing the enemy as countless millions of Durgas, he enjoy the luxury of myriad Indra and is immeasurable in expanse as a myriad firmament,

He has the might of myriad winds and the brilliance of myriad suns, he is as cool as a myriad moons and allays all the fears of mundane existence, again, he is irresistible unapproachable and interminable as a myriad death, Lord is irrepressible as myriads fire,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 


Friday, May 31, 2024

Without faith there can be no devotion

 Jai Sri Ram,

Without faith there can be no devotion and Sri Rama never melts except through devotion, Without Sri Rama's grace the human soul can never attain peace even in a dream, 

Pondering thus, O Garuda of resolute mind, abandon all caviling and scepticism  and adore the beautiful Sri Rama, fountain of mercy and delight of all,

Thus, my master, have I sung to my my own light the greatness of my lord's glory, O king of birds, I have not had recourse to any inventive skill, I have seen all this with my own eyes, 

Sri Rama's greatness, his name, beauty and the song of his praise, they are all boundless and endless, and Rama himself is infinite, The sages sing his praises each according to his wits, but neither the Vedas nor the Shiva himself reach their end,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

any success without faith,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Without content desire ceases, and so long as desire continues, you can never dream of happiness,

Again, can desire be got rid of without adoring Sri Rama, can a tree ever take root without soil, Can even mindedness be acquired without spiritual enlightenment, can anyone get moving space without ether,

Can there be no piety without faith, can anyone get odour without earth, and spread one's glory without except through austere penance, can there be any taste in this world without water, can virtue be acquired without waiting upon the wise, anymore than color can exist without the element of fire, 

Can the mind be at rest without experiencing the joy inherent in one's own self, can there be any sensation of touch without air, and any success without faith, In a like manner the fear of rebirth can never cease except through worship of Sri Hari,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

last breath

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, king of the birds, without Sri Rama's grace it is not possible to know the greatness of Rama,

Without knowledge faith is out of question, without faith there can be no love, Shorn of love, devotion will not abide any more than the lubricity produced by water,

Is spiritual illumination possible without a preceptor, Or, again, is it possible to acquire wisdom without dispassion, or, as the Vedas and Puranas declare, can one attain happiness without devotion to Sri Hari,

Again, dear Garuda, can one find peace without innate content, can a boat ever float without water even though you strain every nerve till your last breath,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

unless we adore Sri Hari our troubles will not end

 Jai Sri Ram,

The men and women of Ayodhya remained ever absorbed in that transcendental joy, to attain which the blessed Lord Shiva, the delighter of all, assumed His unsightly garb, 

Those wise and virtuous souls who have lasted of that joy only once even in dream think nothing of the joy of absorption into Brahma, much less of any other earthly or heavenly joy,

After I stayed a while at Ayodhya and enjoyed the Lord's delightful childish sports, having Sri Rama's grace obtained the boon of devotion I adored my Lord's feet and returned to my own hermitage,

Ever since Lord accepted me as his own I have never fallen a victim of delusion, I have told you my own realization, O lord of the winged creatures, unless we adore Sri Hari our troubles will not end,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, May 27, 2024

started up in haste and ran,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Time shall have no power over you, Remember and adore me unceasingly, I did not feel sated with hearing the nectar like words of Lord, felt extremely delighted at heart, 

The joy I felt on the occasion was shared only by the mind and the ears that auditory senses, tongue had no power to tell it, The eyes alone had blissful experience of beholding the Lord's beauty, but how could they describe it, devoid of speech as they are,

After he had gladdened me by his manifold exhortations, he again began to sport like a child as before, with tears in eyes he looks somewhat gloomy, looked at his mother as if he was hungry, 

Seeing the mother started up in haste and ran, clasped him in her bosom,, then, laying him on the lap, she began to suckle him, singing the whole of Sri Rama's charming exploits,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

worship me, abandoning all other hope and reliance,

 Jai Sri Ram,

A father has a number of sons, each different from others in character, temper and conduct,

One is learned , another given to austerities, third in spirituality, fourth rich, fifth possessed of velour, sixth charitably disposed, seventh all wise, and eighth intent on piety, but the father equally loves all, ninth son is devoted to father and obedient to father like anything, serve in thought, words, and deeds, never dream of any other duty

This is the son father loves as his own life, thought he be in perfect ignoramus in a like manner all animate and inanimate beings, including subhuman species, gods, men and demons, in short the whole of this universe is my creation and I am equally compassionate to all, 

Of these, however, he who adore me in thought, word and deeds, forswearing arrogance and wiles, be it man, woman, of lacking the character of both, or, for the matter of that, any living being whatsoever of the animate or inanimate world, he who adore me with all being, giving up all guile, is supremely dear to me, I tell you in all sincerity that a guileless servant is dear to me as life, realizing this worship me, abandoning all other hope and reliance,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please