Thursday, May 30, 2024

any success without faith,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Without content desire ceases, and so long as desire continues, you can never dream of happiness,

Again, can desire be got rid of without adoring Sri Rama, can a tree ever take root without soil, Can even mindedness be acquired without spiritual enlightenment, can anyone get moving space without ether,

Can there be no piety without faith, can anyone get odour without earth, and spread one's glory without except through austere penance, can there be any taste in this world without water, can virtue be acquired without waiting upon the wise, anymore than color can exist without the element of fire, 

Can the mind be at rest without experiencing the joy inherent in one's own self, can there be any sensation of touch without air, and any success without faith, In a like manner the fear of rebirth can never cease except through worship of Sri Hari,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please