Tuesday, May 28, 2024

unless we adore Sri Hari our troubles will not end

 Jai Sri Ram,

The men and women of Ayodhya remained ever absorbed in that transcendental joy, to attain which the blessed Lord Shiva, the delighter of all, assumed His unsightly garb, 

Those wise and virtuous souls who have lasted of that joy only once even in dream think nothing of the joy of absorption into Brahma, much less of any other earthly or heavenly joy,

After I stayed a while at Ayodhya and enjoyed the Lord's delightful childish sports, having Sri Rama's grace obtained the boon of devotion I adored my Lord's feet and returned to my own hermitage,

Ever since Lord accepted me as his own I have never fallen a victim of delusion, I have told you my own realization, O lord of the winged creatures, unless we adore Sri Hari our troubles will not end,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please