Saturday, June 1, 2024

All winged creatures, from yourself down to the mosquito

 Jai sri Ram,

All winged creatures, from yourself down to the mosquito, take their flight across the sky, but none can reach the end of it, 

Even so, dear Garuda, can anyone ever gauge the extent of Sri Rama's greatness, unfathomable as it is, Sri Rama's body possesses the charm of a myriad cupids,

He is inexorable in crushing the enemy as countless millions of Durgas, he enjoy the luxury of myriad Indra and is immeasurable in expanse as a myriad firmament,

He has the might of myriad winds and the brilliance of myriad suns, he is as cool as a myriad moons and allays all the fears of mundane existence, again, he is irresistible unapproachable and interminable as a myriad death, Lord is irrepressible as myriads fire,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please