Sunday, June 2, 2024

Rama alone Rama's peer

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Lord is unfathomable as a myriad Patalas and dreadful as myriad Yamas, he is as sanctifier as countless millions of sacred places, his very name is obliterates all one's sins,

Rama as immovable as myriads of Himalayas and as deep as a myriad seas, the lord is as liberal in bestowing all one's cherished objects as a myriad cows of plenty, 

Lord is as good as Saradas and possesses the creative skill of myriad Brahmas, is good a preserver as a myriad Visnus and as thorough a destroyer as myriad of Rudras, As rich as Kuberas and capable of bringing forth material universes as myriads of Mayas, 

Lord is as good a supporter of the universe, is infinite and incomparable in every respect, has no compeer, Rama alone Rama's peer, even as reality suffers, diminution by being liked to a myriad glow worms, so do the great sages sings the praise of Sri Hari, each according to their light, he respect the sentiments of devotees and is extremely kind,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please