Thursday, June 6, 2024

After eulogizing

 Jai Sri Ram,

After eulogizing Kakabhusandi in many ways and bowing his head before him, proceeded in polite words, 

In my ignorance, I ask you a question, knowing me to be your own servant, O ocean of compassion carefully answer it,

You are omniscient knower of truth, having reached beyond the darkness of ignorance, amiable and straight in your dealing, and a storehouse of wisdom, dispassion and realization, above all beloved servant of Sri Rama, 

Wherefore did you get this form of crow, explain all to me clearly, also tell me, where did you get this lovely lake of Rama's exploits, I have heard from Shiva himself that you do not perish even during Mahapralaya, Shiva never utter an idle word induce doubt in my mind, that all including human, gods and others, is an victim of death, and beyond it time spirit which destroy the countless universe, is ever mighty and irresistible, how is that Most formidable time spirit has no power over you,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please