Wednesday, June 5, 2024

incomparable mystery of Sri Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,had several painful fits

Garuda Rejoiced to hear the agreeable words of Bhusandi and fluffed up his featured, tears rushes to his eyes and his soul was flooded with joy as he meditated on the glory of Sri Rama, 

Recalling his former delusion he was filled with remorse at the thought that He had taken the dateless Brahma foe mere mortal, again and again he bowed his head at the crow's feet and loved him all the more,

Knowing him to be good as Rama, without a spiritual guide none can cross the ocean of mundane existence, though he be the equal of Viranchi, or Shankara, said, am bitten by the the serpent of doubt, dear sir, had painful fits of stupor in the form of so many fallacies, 

But Rama, the delight of devotees have saved me by sending me to a charmer in your person, by your grace my infatuation has ceased and I have learnt the incomparable mystery of Sri Rama,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please