Saturday, August 26, 2017


Jai Sri Ram
The Lord then repaired to the shore of deep and beautiful Lake Pumpa,

Its water was as limpid as the heart of saints,

It had charming flights of steps on all its four sides,

Beasts of various kinds drank of its water wherever they listed, as if there was a crowd of beggars ever present at the house of a generous man,

May Lord bless all

Thanks please 

Friday, August 25, 2017

sri Ganesh Chaturthi

Jai Sri Ram
Today, it is very auspicious festival of divine light that sri Ganesh Chaturthi,

The Appearance day of Lord Ganesha, the foremost and the first among all gods,

Sri Ganesha, the truth of auspiciousness and remover of obstacles-giver of boons and bestower of wishes,

Revere the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha, bow my head again and again the lotus feet of Lord on the auspicious occasion of sri Ganesha chaturthi,

May lord bless all

Thanks Please  

Thursday, August 24, 2017

the whole world is dream,

Jai sri Ram
Lord Shiva to Goddess Uma Kalyani,

Sri Rama is beyond the three gunas,

Though lord of animate and inanimate creation and inner controller of all,

He demonstrated the miserable plight of earthly lovers and strengthening dispassion in the mind of the wise, Anger lust greed, pride and delusion, all these get eliminated through Sri Rama's Grace, he who wins the favour of that divine player is never deluded by his jugglery, Uma-i tell you my own realization, the only thing real is worship of sri Rama, and the whole world is dream,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please  

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

three evils

Jai Sri Ram
Lord to Laxmana,

Brother, there are three evils most formidable of all,


In an instant they distract the mind of hermits, who are repository of wisdom,

The weapons of greed are desire and hypocrisy, of lust naught but woman, while anger's weapon is harsh speech, so declare the great sages after deep thought,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

His greatest strength

Jai sri Ram
But there is no describing of whole host of cupid,

He goes about challenging all to  a combat,

Laxmana, they who remain firm even at the sight of cupid's battle array are men that count in this world,

His greatest strength lies in the woman, he alone who can escape her is a champion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please 

stout of heart

Jai Sri Ram
Creepers have entwined themselves round gigantic trees,

Spreading as it were a variety of canopies in the sky,

The plantain and stately palms are standing like beautiful pennons and standards,

He alone who is stout of heart could help being fascinating by their sight,

May Lord bless all

Thanks Please 

besieged me

Jai Sri Ram
When the god of love found me tortured by separation, languishing and all alone,

He rushed against me with verdant forest, bees and birds for his army,

His spy-the wind-however, has seen me with brother,

And on his the mind born cupid has held up advancing army and besieged me as it were,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks please 

Monday, August 21, 2017

you have nothing to fear

Jai Sri Ram
The Lord conferred final beatitude even on a woman who was not only an outcast but,

You seek happiness, my foolish mind, by forgetting such a master, Sri Rama left even that forest and proceeded further,

The lord lamented like one smitten with pangs of separation, he narrated stories and many a dialogue with laxman, united with their mates all the swarms of birds and herds of deer are approaching me as it were, when the bucks see me and scamper away in fear, their mate would stop them saying-you have nothing to fear, you may enjoy yourself at will, O progeny of deer, he has come in search of golden dear,

The elephants would take their mates along with them as if to teach me a lesson, that a man should never leave his wife alone, the sacred lore, however well served, should never be depended upon, and a woman like the scripture and the king, even though you may cherish her in your bosom, is never thoroughly mastered, see brother-how pleasant the spring is, yet to me, bereft of my beloved, it is frightful,

May Lord Bless all

Thanks Please