Saturday, January 4, 2025

Shiva imparted it once more to Kakabhusandi

  Jai Sri Ram,

The Ravishing tale was conceived by Sambhuwho graciously communicated to his consort Uma that Goddess Parvati, 

Shiva imparted it once more to Kakabhusandi, a sagacious reality in the form of a crow, knowing to be a devotee of Sri Rama, and one qualified to hear it,

It was Yajnavalikya who received it from Sri Kakabhusandiand narrated it to a pious sage Bhardwaja, 

Both these, the listener and the reciter are equally virtuous, they know all alike and are more acquainted with the pastimes of Sri Hari, like a emblic myrobalan fruit placed on one's palm, they hold the past, present and future within their knowledge, besides these, other enlightened devotees of Sri Hari too recite hear and understand this story if diverse ways,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Friday, January 3, 2025

The charming Story which Yajnavalkya related to the Good Sage Bhardwaj,

 Jai Sri Ram,

While the Lord sat at the foot of trees, the monkeys perched themselves high on the boughs, Such insolent creatures He exalted to his own position, 

There is no lord so gracious as Rama, O Tulsidasa, your goodness, O Rama, is beneficent to all, if this is a fact, Tulsidas too will be blessed by the same,

Thus revealing my merits and demerits and bowing my head once more to all, I proceed to sing the immaculate glory of the chief of Raghus, by hearing which the impurities of the kali age are wiped away, 

The charming Story which Yajnavalkya related to the Good Sage Bhardwaj, I shall repeat the same dialogue at length, let all good souls hear with a feeling of delight,

Jai Siya Ram,

Thursday, January 2, 2025

benevolent Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

The benevolent Rama will nonetheless respect the devotion and pleasure of this wicked servant, Rama, who made barks out and wise counsellors out of monkeys and bears, everybody calls me a servant of the lord and I my self claim to be one, and Sri Rama puts up with the scoffing remark that a master like Sita's Lord has a servant like Tulsidasa, 

My presumption and error are indeed very great, and, hearing the tale of my sins, even hell has turned up its nose at them, Lord applauded my devotion and spirit on hearing of perceiving and scanning them with the mind's eye,

Lord never cherishes at his mind the lapse, if any, on part of a devotee, while he remembers the latter's spirit a hundred time,

For instance, the very crime of which he had killed Vali even as a huntsman was repeated in the misdemeanour by Sugriva and Vibhishan too was guilty of the same offence, but Sri Rama took no cognizance of it even in a dream, Rama on the other hand, honored them both at his meeting and commented them in open Court, 

Jai Siya Ram


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

diffuses joy in all the ten directions

  Jai Sri Ram,

The name repeated with good or evil intention, in an angry mood or even while yawning, diffuses joy in all the ten directions, remembering that Name and bowing my head to Lord, and proceed to recount the virtues of Rama, 

Rama is a noble Lord, and poor servant like me, yet, true to his own disposition, that storehouse of compassion has fostered me, in the world as well as in the Vedas we observe the following characteristic in a good master, that he recognize one's devotion to him as soon as he hears one's prayer, 

Rich or a poor, rustic or urban or unlettered of good repute or bad, a good poet or a bad one, all men and woman extol the king according to his or her light, 

The pious, sensible, amiable and supremely compassionate ruler, who takes his descent from a ray of God, greets all with sweet words hearing their compliments and appraising their composition, devotion, supplication and conduct, such is the way of earthly monarchs, to say nothing of Rama, who is crest jewel of wise men, Rama get pleased with unalloyed love, but duller and more impure of mind in this world than I, 

Jai Siya Ram, 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Somvati Amavasya today, a day to sanctify self in truth of available flux from the celestial bodied on this auspicious occasion of Conjunction of Sun and the Moon on the day of Moon,

A day for fair communication with supreme personality through respective discipline available to mark the self in truth with cult of the day,

Adoration of the day in cult with truth of spirit dissolves the unwanted knots to reach the destined destination designated for spirit in the Garb of Man,

The day is embodiment of eternity in itself to revamp the truth of inherent cult of self for fair compliance of journey in the planet, infinite are the aspects and infinite are the ways to enjoin this divine cult to make it for the cause eternal,

Jai Siya Ram 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

neither Karma that action, nor Bhakti

   Jai Sri Ram,

The name of Rama is bestower of one's desired object of this age, it is beneficent in the other world, and one's father and mother in this world, 

In Kaliyuga neither Karma that action, nor Bhakti that devotion, again not that Jnana that true knowledge avails, the name of Rama is the only resort,

The age of Kali is as it were the demon Kalanemi, the repository of all wiles, whereas the name is the wise and mighty Hanuman, 

To use another metaphor, the name of Rama is, as it were, the lord Manifested as a man lion That Narasimhan and the kali age, the demon Hiranyakasipu, Crushing this enemy of gods, the name will protect the devotees repeating it, even as the man-lion protected Prahalada,

Jai Siya Ram