Tuesday, December 31, 2024

diffuses joy in all the ten directions

  Jai Sri Ram,

The name repeated with good or evil intention, in an angry mood or even while yawning, diffuses joy in all the ten directions, remembering that Name and bowing my head to Lord, and proceed to recount the virtues of Rama, 

Rama is a noble Lord, and poor servant like me, yet, true to his own disposition, that storehouse of compassion has fostered me, in the world as well as in the Vedas we observe the following characteristic in a good master, that he recognize one's devotion to him as soon as he hears one's prayer, 

Rich or a poor, rustic or urban or unlettered of good repute or bad, a good poet or a bad one, all men and woman extol the king according to his or her light, 

The pious, sensible, amiable and supremely compassionate ruler, who takes his descent from a ray of God, greets all with sweet words hearing their compliments and appraising their composition, devotion, supplication and conduct, such is the way of earthly monarchs, to say nothing of Rama, who is crest jewel of wise men, Rama get pleased with unalloyed love, but duller and more impure of mind in this world than I, 

Jai Siya Ram,