If any event start with auspicious sign reflects good to its result in life.
Cool soft and fragrant breeze is also taken as auspicious for life.
In the old times fox found round about was to a similar sign.
Cow feeding its calf also counts on merits.
Glimpse of a true Brahman proves fruitful beyond measure.
Praying devotee with smile.
Pitcher full of water
Happily playing kids
Darshan {glimpse} of true saints
Sight on to Sobhagyavati{happily married women]
Lighted lamps of prayer
Blessings of elders
One carrying curd in mid way also reflects goods.
Mratasya darsahan glimpse of fish is also taken auspicious
Brahmans with religious books in hands counts on merits.
Eternal feeling of being fine
Smiling child also counts a merit.
Joyful old age reflects fine.
Sneezed on the left is also taken a fine auspicious mode for life.
Above all Darshan of Sri Sri Tulsi ji {divine basil} is most auspicious sign in life on the planet.
May lord bless all.
Thanks please.