Saturday, July 13, 2024

By artifice, force or fraud they approach her

 Jai Sri Ram,

By artifice, force or fraud they approach her and put off the light by fanning it with the end of their garment, if Buddhi happens to be most sagacious, she refuses even to look at them considering them to be her enemies,

If these impediments falls to distract her, the gods next proceed to create trouble, the various apertures of the body that locate the five senses are so many windows in the chamber of the heart, each of which is presided over by the god, even as they find the gust of sensuality entering the chamber of gods wantonly throw the shutters of these apertures wide open,

As soon as the blast penetrate the chamber of heart the light of immediate knowledge gets extinguished, in this way while the ligature binding the spirit with matter remains united, the light of self realization also disappears and the understanding gets bewildered when buffeted by the blast of sensuality, 

Gnosis is welcome neither to the senses nor the gods presiding over them, who are ever fond of sensuous enjoyments, and the Buddhi too having been distracted by the blast of sensuality, who can light the lamp again as before,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 12, 2024

constant awareness that I am the Same

 Jai Sri Ram,

The constant awareness that I am the Same Brahma , represents the most dazzling flame of the lamp,

In this way when the bliss of self realization sheds its bright lustre, error of duality, the root of worldly existence is dispersed and the infinite darkness of infatuation, which forms the family of nescience disappears,

Having thus procured a light, the Buddhi that intellect, referred to above sits in the chamber of the heart to untie the knots, 

The soul can hope to attain its object only in the event of Buddhi succeeding in untying it, but when Maya finds her attempting to untie the knot, she creates many difficulties, she send forth number of Riddhis and Siddhis that riches and supernatural powers that try to excite her cupidity,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

cooled down with the breath of contentment and forbearance

 Jai Sri Ram,

Let us hope, when she united with her newly born calf in the form of Love, Quietism serves as the cord by which her hind legs are tied, in order to milk her, faith represents the pot in which the cow is milked, while a pure mind, which is at one's beck and call, plays the role of milker, on the fire of desirelessness,

When boiled, it should be cooled down with the breath of contentment and forbearance and congealed by maxing with it a little curd in the shape of fortitude and mind control, the curd thus made should be churned in the earthen vase of cheerfulness with the churning stick of reflection after fastening the stick to the host of self restraint with cord of truthful and agreeable words, and b this process of churning one should extract the pure, excellent and holy butter of dispassion

After kindling the fire of Yoga that concentration of mind, both good and evil, should be consigned to it as fuel, and the butter placed on it, when the scum in the form of worldly attachment is burnt, the Ghee that clarified butter is left to the form of Gnosis should be cooled down by intellect that buddhi a truth of reasoning, which is nature of understanding, should fill with it the Lamp pf Citta, reasoning faculty, and making a stand of even mindedness set lamp securely there, 

Extracting cotton in the form of the transcendental state of the boll of the three states, consciousness in waking, dream and dreamless sleep, these three modes of Prakrati Including Satva, Rajas and Tamas, the same should be carded and fashioned into a strong wick, in this manner one should light the glorious lamp of immediate knowledge, by merely approaching which moths in the shape of vanity are consumed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Milk began to flow from her teats,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen, Garuda, to this unuttered romance, which can only be comprehended by the mind but is incapable of expansion, Soul is particle of divinity, immortal, conscious, unattained by Maya and blissful by nature, Such a soul has allowed itself to be dominated by Maya and has been caught in its own trap like a parrot or a monkey

Matter and spirit have been linked together with a knot which, though imaginary, is difficult to untie, since then the soul has become worldly, it can have no happiness till this knot is untied,

The Vedas and Puranas have suggested a number of devices for untying the knot, but the knot, far from being resolved, becomes harder and harder, the interior of the soul being utterly clouded with darkness of ignorance, the knot cannot even be perceived, how, then, can it be untied,

If God were to bring about such conditions, even then the disentangled of the knot is problematic, suppose by the grace of Sri Hari the blessed cow in the shape of Japa, austere penance, sacred observances, the Yamas, Niyama or forms of self restraint, that five Niyama or positive virtues and innumerable other blessed virtues and religious practices recommended by Vedas, Milk began to flow from her teats,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

perpetual and uninterrupted love

 Jai Sri Ram,

Here I do not speak in a partisan spirit, but merely state the view of the Vedas and Puranas, a woman is never enamoured of another woman's beauty, is a strange phenomenon, 

Maya and Bhakti, mark me, both belongs to feminine group, as everyone knows, again, Bhakti is beloved od Rama, while Maya is mere dancing girl, Ram is well disposed towards Bhakti, hence Maya terrible afraid of her, 

Maya shrinks at the very sight of the man in whose heart ever abides Bhakti, unobstructed the peerless and guileless spirit of devotion, and cannot weird her authority over him, Knowing this, sages who have realized the truth solicit Bhakti, which is the fountain of all blessings

No one can speedily know this secret of Rama, but whoever comes to know it by the grace of Rama, can never fail a prey to infatuation even in dream, further hear, most sagacious Garuda, the distinction between gnosis and devotion, by hearing which one develops perpetual and uninterrupted love for Sri Rama, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 8, 2024

Maya that manifest in the form of a woman,

 Jai Sri Ram,

They who knowingly cast aside such devotion and take pains to acquire mere wisdom are fools who would leave alone the cow of plenty at their own house and knock about in search of Aka plant, the milk weed, to get milk out of it, The fools who ignore Bhakti and seek happiness by any other means stupidly seek to swim across the ocean without the help of vessel

Garuda Rejoiced to hear Bhusandi's words and submitted in gentle accents, by your grace, my lord, doubt and sorrow, error and delusion have disappeared from my heart, I have also listened to the praise of Sri Rama, and attained peace of mind by your grace, my lord I ask you one question more, pray, explain the whole thing clearly, O ocean of compassion, the saints and the sages as well as the Vedas and Puranas declare that there is nothing so difficult of attainment as wisdom,  

Although the Sage Lomesha instructed you in the same, you did not show the same amount of regard for gnosis as for devotion, explain me all the difference between Gnosis and Devotion, the sagacious crow was gratified to hear the question of Garuda, and politely replied, there is no difference between the two, both are equally efficacious in relieving the torments of birth and death, great sages nonetheless point out some difference between the two, listen the same with rapt attention

Wisdom, dspassion, Yoga and realization, markme, are all masculine in conception, the might of man is formidable indeed, while a woman is naturally weak and dull by her very birth, but the man alone who is unattached and resolute of mind can forswear woman, not the sensual voluptuary, who has turned his face against the feet of Sri Rama, but even such an enlighten sage, succumbs, to the charm of pretty women at the very sight of her moon like face, it is God Vishnu's own Maya that manifest in the form of a woman, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

efficacy of Adoration,

 Jai Sri Ram,

I love this body only because it was in this body that devotion to Sri Rama's feet sprang up in my heart,

I was blessed with the sight of my lord and all my doubts vanished,

I stubbornly upheld the cause of devotion, for which the great sage Lomasa cursed me,

But eventually I obtained a boon which is difficult even for sages to obtain I witness the efficacy of Adoration, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please