Thursday, July 11, 2024

cooled down with the breath of contentment and forbearance

 Jai Sri Ram,

Let us hope, when she united with her newly born calf in the form of Love, Quietism serves as the cord by which her hind legs are tied, in order to milk her, faith represents the pot in which the cow is milked, while a pure mind, which is at one's beck and call, plays the role of milker, on the fire of desirelessness,

When boiled, it should be cooled down with the breath of contentment and forbearance and congealed by maxing with it a little curd in the shape of fortitude and mind control, the curd thus made should be churned in the earthen vase of cheerfulness with the churning stick of reflection after fastening the stick to the host of self restraint with cord of truthful and agreeable words, and b this process of churning one should extract the pure, excellent and holy butter of dispassion

After kindling the fire of Yoga that concentration of mind, both good and evil, should be consigned to it as fuel, and the butter placed on it, when the scum in the form of worldly attachment is burnt, the Ghee that clarified butter is left to the form of Gnosis should be cooled down by intellect that buddhi a truth of reasoning, which is nature of understanding, should fill with it the Lamp pf Citta, reasoning faculty, and making a stand of even mindedness set lamp securely there, 

Extracting cotton in the form of the transcendental state of the boll of the three states, consciousness in waking, dream and dreamless sleep, these three modes of Prakrati Including Satva, Rajas and Tamas, the same should be carded and fashioned into a strong wick, in this manner one should light the glorious lamp of immediate knowledge, by merely approaching which moths in the shape of vanity are consumed,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please