Saturday, September 7, 2019

Not Going To Stay

Jai Sri Ram,
Lord repeated once more that if she went to her father's place uninvited,

He anticipated no good result from it,

Having reasoned with her in many ways more than one,

When Hara at last perceived that the daughter of Daksha was not going to stay,

May lord Bless all,

Thanks Please 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Sri Radha Ashtami

Jai Sri Ram,
It is very pious chapter today, the appearance day of sri Sri Radha ji, indeed a day when celestial entities manifest on the planet in different forms for oblations of the day and to mark self with,

Sri Radha Ashtami is not just a divine day but a comprehensive truth of divinity in its lap for the good of devotees and aspirants on the path of love and truth,

Sri Radha Ashtami is the day to mark eternally in love with sri Krishna and the Path is sri sri Radha ji,

It is a legendary day of Sacred Bhado which felicitate the devotees to make it for eternal cause that none other than blissful unison with supreme Self,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hare Rama

Jai Sri Baba Lal ji,
It is no doubt true one should call on one's friend, father or teacher without waiting for a formal invitation,

Yet where someone nurses a grudge against you,

You reap no good by going there.

Sambhu expostulated with Sati in so many ways but as fate had willed wisdom would not dawn on her,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

If you go there uninvited

Jai Sri Ram,
In the court of Brahma he once took offence at our behavior,

That is why he insult us even Now,

If you go there uninvited,

Bhivani, all decorum, affection, and honor will be cast to the winds,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lord Shiva replied

Jai Sri Ram,
Lord Shiva replied, your suggestion is good and has commended itself to me as well,

But the anomaly is that_

Your father has sent no invitation to us,

Daksha has invited all his other daughters, but because of the grudge he bears to you too have been ignored,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Sri Ganesh Jayanti

Jai Sri Ram,
On the occasion of Sri Shiv Vivah,

At the direction of the sages Sambhu and Bhavani paid divine honors to the Lord Ganesha,

Let no one be puzzled to hear this, for one should bear in mind that gods have existed from time without beginning,

Today is the day to rejoice in celebration of sri Ganesh Jayanti, the truth which helps devotees to recover self from the delusion of Maya,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tormented her heart

Jai Sri Ram,
Repudiation by her Lord tormented her heart not a little,

But conscious of her guilt she would not utter a  word,

At last Sati spoke in a charming voice tinged with awe, misgiving and affection,

There is great rejoicing at my father's house, O Lord. if you grant me leave, i would fain go and see, O storehouse of compassion,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please