Saturday, August 18, 2007

faith & fate

glory of lord Rama speaks on the version of life on its many sphere but all meets at a point that fate has its full impact on to life, though acts on to life are the prime subject but to provide the plate form to get acts is still the version of fate.

though the fate as per quote is nothing but the image of our acts in our past births, the subject is deep to evaluate till depth but basically it stands as fair as any thing on the board of life that its fate which matters to life.

as for the peoples , every embodied soul is subject to pleasure & pain according to fate.but fate could be influenced by the version of devotion on the chapter of life on the verge of faith.

the shadow of faith really helps in to carry on with ease in life, let us realize this bare fact before it goes too late.

may god bless all on the chapter of faith.

mahesh sharma

Monday, August 13, 2007

submission for a cause

glory of lord Rama speaks on the subject of submission in life-which is must & linked to realization of the bare facts on to life. all spices of life have equal importance to this planet but human is a bit more.

submission speaks itself that realize it on the bare fact on the verge of truth that all animate & inanimate belongs to the god & creation of god. all belongs to the inner core of god & part of love toward his creation the planet.

all acts on the version of illusion -the planets, medicines, water, air, else goes Good or bad in world according to their association; only life endowed with Keen insight are able to know this.

whatever beings ,animate or inanimate, there are in the universe, recognising them, one & all, as consisting of god, life ever need to Adore the lotus feet of all with joined palms as true devotee.

seek blessings from all angels,demons-human beings , even other spices of life, manes & giants to carry on with a true meaning of life as devotee.

may god bless life for the cause.

mahesh sharma