Saturday, August 3, 2024

Rama cures

 Jai Sri Ram,

Rama cures the perversities, caused by the fivefold ignorance, of those man who treasure up in their heart even a few caupais that four footed verses of this narrative that appeal to them as most charming, If there is anyone who is fond of the forlorn, it is Rama and Rama alone, who else can compare with him as disinterested friend and a bestower of eternal bliss, Nowhere  can we find a Lord Like Rama, 

There is no one so miserable as I nor such a friend of the miserable as you, Rama, Realizing this O Rama, take away my fear of transmigration which is so terrible, May you be ever so dear to me, Rama, as woman is dear to a lustful man, and as lucre is dear to the greedy, O Rama, 

The Same mysterious Manasa Ramayana, the story of Rama figuratively spoken of as Manasa Lake, which was composed by Shambhu, the best of all poets with the object of developing unceasing devotion to the lotus feet of the all beautiful Rama, this glorious, holy, purifying blessed and most limpid Manasa lake of Sri Rama's exploit, ever begets happiness,

It bestows both wisdom and devotion, wipes out delusion, infatuation and impurity and is brimful with the water of Love, men who devotedly take a plunge into it are never scorched with the burning rays of the sun of worldly illusion, 

Jai Siya Rama, 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Sri Shivratri

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Shivratri is being Celebrated in great enthusiasm to reach the truth of Lord Shiva, the universal Guru that preceptors beyond words, 

Time and space exist in truth of Lord Shiva and Shiva posits himself at all levels to pacify the spirit at its best in respective order, 

A reverent appreciation of the day is more than fair participation in this chapter of Shiv Cult, as per the whisper of time and ages Shiva visits his devotees on the occasion irrespective of his omnipresent truth, 

Divine exploits are achieved by the saints and sages to glorify themselves in cult of Shiva, Shiva manifest in infinite aspects of his reality including sentient and insentient, indeed a day to adore in journey of life to portrait it as pilgrimage,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

ascend to the abode of Rama,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Forswearing perversity, my soul, adore him whose great vow it is to sanctify the fallen, as is declared by seers and saints, the Vedas and Puranas, who has not secured redemption by worshipping Rama, 

Listen my soul, who has not been saved by Adoring Rama, the purifier of the fallen, The Harlot that Pingala, Ajamila, the hunter that Valmiki, the Vulture that Jatayu, the Elephant and many other wretches have been delivered by him, 

Even Abhiras that a hilly tribe, inhabiting the south west coast in the ancient times, and other, the very embodiments of grievous sin, are hollowed by merely uttering your name even once, 

I Adore you, O Rama, men who repeat to others, listen to when repeated by others, or chant alone this narrative of Rama thereby wipe out the sins that are incident to kali age as well as the impurities of their soul, and ascend to the abode of Rama without any difficulty

Jai Siya Ram, 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, a day that embodied in truth with eternity to help spirit in journey of life on the planet, 

Indeed a day to secure safe passage for hereafter, an easy chapter to attain spiritual wealth through mild application of self in cult of the day,

Time and again, time has narrated the importance of the day which felicitate the spirit at its most to make it for the cause eternal and man may capitalize this truth,

The truth of the day invertible meet the truth of devotees in cult of Sri Vishnu Pad puja and help them even out of proportion to make it for self eternally,

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

catalogue of Rama's virtues

 Jai Sri Ram,

By your blessing, I have attained the object of my life, unswearing devotion to Sri Rama has sprung in my heart and all my afflictions have ended,

This Blessed Dialogue between Shiva and Bhavani begets joy and lifts the gloom of depression, it puts an end to transmigration, disperses doubt, delights the devotees and dear to the saints,

To worshippers of Rama, nothing is so dear as this narratives of Rama, by the grace of Rama alone, I have sung to the best of my ability this sacred and charming Story, 

In this age of Kali no other discipline is of any avail, Neither YOGA that control of mind, nor SACRIFICE, nor JAPA that muttering of prayer, not austere penance, nor any SACRED VOWS, nor RITUAL, Rama alone should be remembered, Rama alone should be glorified, and it is catalogue of Rama's virtues alone, that should be given ear to, 

Jai Siya Ram, 

Monday, July 29, 2024

seven beautiful stairs to reach that horizon

 Jai Sri Ram,

He who seeks devotion to the feet of Sri Rama, or to enjoy the state of eternal bliss should fondly drink in this story with the cups of his ears, I have narrated, Girija, the story of Sri Rama, which wipes out the sin of kali age, and removes the impurities of the mind,

The narratives of Sri Rama, as is declared by the Vedas and the seers, is a life giving herb to cure the disease of birth and death, 

It has seven beautiful stairs, which are so many roads as it were leading to the goal of devotion to mystic Rama, he along who enjoys the utmost grace of Sri Hari, can set his foot on this road, Man who sing this story in a guileless spirit attains the object of their soul's desire, They who repeat or listen to it or even approve of its recitation cross the ocean of mundane existence, as they would the print of a cow's hoof,

Girija was greatly delighted at heart to hear the whole narrative and replied in pleasing tone, by the grace of my Lord my doubts have disappeared and my devotion to mystic Rama has been renovated,

Jai Siya Ram