Monday, July 29, 2024

seven beautiful stairs to reach that horizon

 Jai Sri Ram,

He who seeks devotion to the feet of Sri Rama, or to enjoy the state of eternal bliss should fondly drink in this story with the cups of his ears, I have narrated, Girija, the story of Sri Rama, which wipes out the sin of kali age, and removes the impurities of the mind,

The narratives of Sri Rama, as is declared by the Vedas and the seers, is a life giving herb to cure the disease of birth and death, 

It has seven beautiful stairs, which are so many roads as it were leading to the goal of devotion to mystic Rama, he along who enjoys the utmost grace of Sri Hari, can set his foot on this road, Man who sing this story in a guileless spirit attains the object of their soul's desire, They who repeat or listen to it or even approve of its recitation cross the ocean of mundane existence, as they would the print of a cow's hoof,

Girija was greatly delighted at heart to hear the whole narrative and replied in pleasing tone, by the grace of my Lord my doubts have disappeared and my devotion to mystic Rama has been renovated,

Jai Siya Ram