Friday, August 2, 2024

Sri Shivratri

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Shivratri is being Celebrated in great enthusiasm to reach the truth of Lord Shiva, the universal Guru that preceptors beyond words, 

Time and space exist in truth of Lord Shiva and Shiva posits himself at all levels to pacify the spirit at its best in respective order, 

A reverent appreciation of the day is more than fair participation in this chapter of Shiv Cult, as per the whisper of time and ages Shiva visits his devotees on the occasion irrespective of his omnipresent truth, 

Divine exploits are achieved by the saints and sages to glorify themselves in cult of Shiva, Shiva manifest in infinite aspects of his reality including sentient and insentient, indeed a day to adore in journey of life to portrait it as pilgrimage,

Jai Siya Ram,