Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sri Dussehra today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Dussehra today, a glorious festival from the laps of Sri Sharad Navratrey which host the dramatic reality unto pastime of Lord Rama in truth with his Dharma and traits, 

It is not just a day of  extermination of Demon king Ravana, but a day with silent message to mankind unto truth of Dharma in truth with its traits, 

This festival is designed for the purpose of achieving the metamorphosis of the human being from mundane to the supramundane level, through visualisation of truth unto Dharma and protect self from Adharma, 

Rituals of the day not only support the truth of might of lord Rama but relates the truth of Dharma Rama lived in truth of his pastime,

Jai Siya Ram 

Friday, October 11, 2024

narrated the story of Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage Yajnavalakya smilingly said, the glory of Rama is already known to you, you are a devotee of Rama in thought, word and deed, I have come to know your ingenuity, you wish to hear an account of the hidden virtues of Rama, 

That is why you have questioned me as if you were quite ignorant, listen, then, with devout attention, my child, while I narrate the beautiful story of Rama, appalling ignorance is the gigantic demon Mahisasura, while the narratives of Rama is the dread Kalika, 

The story of rama is like the moonbeams that are drunk in by Cacora bird in the form of Saints, a similar doubt was expressed by no less a personage than Bhavani, and the great God Shiva then expounded the matter in details, I shall relate to you the best of my lights the dialogue between Uma and Shambhu, hear, O sage, the time occasion of this dialogue, your gloom will be lifted, 

Once upon a time, Shiva called on the Jar Born sage Agastya along with his consort, Sage worshipped him to be the universal lord, and narrated the story of Rama, Shiva listened to it with delight, the sage then enquired about devotion to Hari, Shiva discoursed on it finding in sage a fit recipient, thus narrated the tale of Rama's virtues, spent some time there, asking leave of the sage, Shiva proceeded to his Kailash with Devi Sati, 

Jai Siya Ram 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


 Jai Sri Ram,

I ask you my lord, WHO THAT RAMA IS, pray explain to me, O store house of compassion,

One such Rama is the prince of Ayodhya whose exploits are known throughout the world, 

Infinite was his sorrow due to the lose of his wife, and flying into rage he slew Ravana in Battle, 

Is It This Very Rama,, my lord. or some one else whose name Shiva, ever repeats, you are embodiment of truth and omniscient, so ponder well and give me your considered reply, tell me in detail, my master, my overwhelming perplexity may be overcome, 

Jai Siya Ram

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

die in the city of Kashi

 Jai Sri Ram,

A great doubt haunts my mind, Holy Sir, the whole mystery of the Vedas stands revealed to you,I am afraid and ashamed to utter the doubt and I lose a great opportunity if I keep it back,

The saint lay down the rule, and Vedas as well as the Puranas and sages too loudly proclaim, that pure wisdom cannot be dawn in the heart, would one keep anything concealed from one's spiritual preceptor,

Remembering this I disclose my folly, dispel it, taking pity on this servant, my Lord, Saints and all ancient scripture declared that potency of the name Rama is unlimited, the immortal lord Shiva, who is the fountain of joy and a storehouse of wisdom and goodness, incessantly repeat it, 

There are four broad divisions of living beings in the world, such of them as die in the city of Kashi attain to highest State, for it is this very name That Shiva mercifully impart to the dying soul in Kashi,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

supremely wise sage Yajnavalkya,

 Jai Sri Ram,

At daybreak they all perform their ablutions fervour and then converse together on the virtues of Sri Hari, 

They discuss the nature of Brahma that the supreme eternal, the precepts of religion and the classification of fundamental entities on devotion to the Lord coupled with spiritual enlightenment and dispassion, 

In this way they bathe for the whole month of Magha and then return each to his hermitage, great rejoice every year and having performed their ablutions while sun stays in capricorn the host of sages disperse,

Once Sage Bhardwaj clasped the feet of supremely wise sage Yajnavalkya, reverently washed his lotus feet and installed him on a most sacred seat, extolling his fair renown with religious ceremony, Bhardwaj Spoke in mild and reverential tones, 

Jai Siya Ram

Monday, October 7, 2024

temple of Vindumadhava

 Jai Sri Ram,

Having enumerated the virtues of this excellent water to the best of his intellectual capacity and bathed his mind in it, and remembering goddess Bhavani and Lord Shiva,, poet narrates beautiful story, 

Installing in my heart lotus feet of Rama thus securing his grace, I now proceed to relate the charming story of meeting of the two great sages that Yajnavalkya and Bhardwaja,

Sage Bharadwaj lives in Prayaga, devoted to Rama, ascetic and embodiment of self restraint, composure of mind and compassion, advanced on the path of Spirituality, In the Month Magha when all gods sages, pious souls, aspirants and other celestial Visit the Triveni as the sun enters in Zodiac sign capricorn to pay oblations in truth with self, they all bathe and experienced their inherent reality in context with that truth, 

Visit the ancient temple of Vindumadhava, to feel obliged of the occasion and tough the immortal Banyan tree which thrills the soul, nearby had the hermitage of Sage Bhardwaja, the most sacred from the true of austere penance of the sage, a holiest reality among the holy truth of Triveni, 

Jai Siya Rama 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

wanderings in pursuits of sensuous pleasures

 Jai Sri Ram,

The way the four brothers look at one another meet and love one another, their mirth and their ideal brotherliness, my intense longing, supplication and humility represent the not inconsiderable lightness of this pure and holy water,

The marvelous water heals by the mere hearing, quenches the thirst of desire and washes the dirt of the mind, the water nourishes true love for Rama, and drives away the sins of Kali age, relieves the fatigue of transmigration, gratifies gratification itself,

It wipes out lust anger and pride and infatuation, and enhances pure wisdom, and dispassion, by reverently bathing in it, and drinking it sanctify the heart, 

Creature wanderings in pursuits of sensuous pleasures, will come to grief even as a thirsty deer runs after a mirage mistaken it for water, and returned disappointed,

Jai Siya Ram,