Saturday, March 9, 2024

Listen, Hanuman, my son

 Jai Sri Ram,

After finishing the obsequies Vibhishan came and bowed his head once more, Ramacallaed Laxman, and said, you and Sugreeva along with Anagada, Nala and Neela, Jambvant and Hanuman in the company of Vibhishan and make arrangement for the coronation of Vibhishan, as per my father's command, I cannot enter a town, do things in all auspicious charter,

On hearing the command of Rama, all monkeys proceeded, at once reached town, and speedily arranged the thing by command of the Lord, they seated Vibhishan on the throne and applied a sacred Mark on his forehead as a token of sovereignty they glorified him, joining their palms they all bow their head to him to mark respect and honor, then Vibhishan returned to Sri Rama, bow his head, said Rama, Lord cheered them all, it is your might that enemy has been killed Vibhishan has got the kingdom of Lanka, 

Men who sing your doings shall easily cross the boundless ocean of mundane existence, The monkey host would never feel sated with listening to Lord's words, they all bowed their heads and clasped his lotus feet again and again, the Lord asked Hanuman, now you go to Lanka and relates her what it has happened return soon with news of her welfare, thereupon Hanuman rushed to reach Sita, did all kind of homage, Sita recognized Hanuman in no time, Hanuman made obeisance to her in many ways, Sita asked him, dear son if my gracious lord is doing well with his brother and the monkey host,

Said Hanuman, all is well with Lord, Mother monster has been conquered in battle, and Vibhishan attained everlasting dominion, her heart was filled with joy when she heard the words of Hanuman, her soul was overjoyed, eyes full of tears, again, and again said to Hanuman, there is nothing in all the three worlds equals in value to this information, listen to mother, today I have doubtless attained the sovereignty of the entire creation when I find Rama safe and sound with his brother after conquering the enemy's ranks on the battlefield, Listen, Hanuman, my son, may all commendable virtues abides in your heart and may lord Rama with Ananata be ever gracious to you,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please

Friday, March 8, 2024

Sri Mahashivratri

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Mahashivratri is being celebrated with enthusiasm by celestials, gods, devotees, and men in varying forms to mark the appearance of lord Shiva Day in truth with self, devotees ought to feel the Lord vehemently, as the time support this reality on the day,

The most suited time to make obeisance in the lotus feet of the Lord, offering Ganga Jal on Shiv Laingam could be an advantage that may help on both aspects of the journey,

An occasion to upgrade self as omniscient eternally through the mild application of self in truth with designated disciplines, 

The day being enriched with sat vibes may graduate self suitable to interface all sorts of truth in the journey, the most appropriate time to relocate self in the refuge of shiva for fair evolution of self eternal, self-revelation is an auto process in the vicinity of Yajna and devotees may be at advantage varyingly unto self in truth with consciousness by the gracious Shiva,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram, 

Sri Ekadasi today on the eve of a conjunct of Sri Pradosh and Maha Shivratri, an auspicious occasion to oblige self for eternal gains, 

A day to cultivate fruits of liberation, a truth that may help fair evolution of self to reach beatitude, a cult suggested by time and space to the embodied spirit in the garb of man to reach,

A Day of living meditation through indulging in Parikrama at places in conjunct with celestial entities, during which Atman may experience its inherent culture to reach that unification, 

A day to merge all the grades and shades of life in the truth of spirituality to make it for that changeover to reach the ultimate soul mate for blissful unification in the name of beatitude,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

water and sesamum seeds for propitiation of the soul

 Jai Sri Ram,

The moment Mandodary saw her lord's head she fainted in her grief and dropped to the ground, his other wives too sprang up and rushed to the spot, beating their bosom and weeping, spoke words from her soul unto the truth of velour of her spouse and crying for a mistake he made in identifying god as man, 

O My Lord, you took for a mere man Sri Hari himself, a veritable fire to consume the host of the demon race, did not adore him, my beloved spouse, you delight from birth in harming others yet Rama absorbed you in his own being, I BOW TO HIM, the immutable Brahma, 

My Lord, there is none else so gracious as the divine Sri Rama, who bestowed on you a state which is difficult even for the Yogis, all rejoiced to hear the mandatory words, women making lamentation Vibhishan approached them in wet eyes to console, Rama asked Laxman to support Vibhishan in his dismay on occasion, lord instructed for abandoning all sorrow and perform the funeral rites, obedience to Lord's command, strictly observing the scriptural ordinance with due regard to time and place,

After Offering to the deceased a handful of water and sesamum seeds for propitiation of the soul Mandodary and other queens returned to their place, recounting themselves the host of excellences of Sri Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Thirtyone shafts

 Jai Sri Ram,

With many such words, Trijata comforted Sita, then returned to her residence, Sita recalled Rama's kind disposition was overwhelmed with anguish of separation from him, Lamented within herself, now her left eye started throbbing, considering it to be a good omen, she took heart and said to herself, Rama will surely meet me soon, 

With the day break, Ravana moves ahead with total illusion to deceive all, Rama empowers all monkeys as bears with a new zest to face all kinds of mystic challenges on the battlefield, finding monkeys most powerful, Ravana took thought to become invisible and revealed illusive power, Ravana then manifested in many numbers and fought individually to even last man of the army, but now Rama took the lead to decide the fate of battle once for all, Ravana finds as many as Rama in the battlefield and suffered unspeakable causality, most of his mighty warriors fall out, Now Rama reach at that threshold of the War, Vibhishan highlighted the truth of the might of Ravana and is being alive ever after cutting his heads, it was the nectar stored in his navel, that resisting him from his death,

Now Rama set a different arrow at the bow in truth with eternal Sankalp along with other thirty shafts and all at once directed towards Ravana, which flew forth like the serpents of death, one arrow sucked up the depths of the navel, while rest struck his ten heads and twenty arms with impetuosity, arrows carried off with them his heads and arms, headless and armless trunk danced on the battlefield to mark his last, earth sunk under his weight while dying shouted in a terrible roar, where is Rama, I will challenge him in battle, expanding two halves he dropped to the ground, monkeys took away the body of Ravana depositing it before Mandodary in truth with dignity and all respect, gods sounded their kettledrums,

Saints and gods rained downed flowers, shouting glory, Glory to the all-merciful, Mukunda that bestower of liberation, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

he has installed you in his heart that why Rama is not sending arrows at heart

 Jai Sri Ram,

Having uttered these taunting words Ravana furiously began to discharge arrows like so many thunderbolts, shafts of various designs flew to fill all the quarters, and earth, as well as heaven, experienced the chaos of shafts all over, Rama's arrow consumed all that mysticism created by Ravana's, in fury, Ravana hurled a fierce lance but lord sent that back to him, Indra dispatched a charioteer with Sarthi Maitali, now Rama in rage frustrated the Ravana with shafts with the speed of light, Ravana mystically sent arrows that hurt charioteer Sarthi Maitali, Rama took compassion and lifted him and restore him to his truth, now Rama encountered the Army with more rage shot forth with quiver, 

Rama's arrows were moving like the deadliest serpents with incurable venom, now the battlefield was more than hell for the enemy, Ravana was challenged by Hanuman, and it was a hard time for Ravana to face Hanuman, he became invisible to all, soon revealed self in other direction, monkeys had no courage t face him, Hanuman, Angada, Nal, and Neel were act as a wall against the illusion of Ravana to safeguard monkeys, in trice lord dispersed the whole phantom, even the veil of darkness torn asunder, it was one to one of Ravana and Angada, Ravana was surprised with mystic tactics of Angada, bear, and monkeys grew furious to saw the scenario, thereby Rama cut his hands but they regrow soon, Rama cut his head, but that reinstalled immediately it was a mystic phenomenon ever seen by anyone in any battle, Rama was killing him again and again with speed of light but the Ravana was regaining to himself on the same moment, 

The Might of the Jamvant was beyond words he was safeguarding the monkeys and the bears in all quarters and imparting requisite strength midst of battle to carry on, then he kicked Ravan in his chest which made him miserable and fall down unconscious on his charioteers, and his driver takes him back safely, as Ravan regain the conscious shout at drive why he takes him to the palace from the battlefield, he had to kill the Ravana today itself, there all monkeys and bears turn back to Rama with the end of the day,

There Ravana enters the obscure cave for a Yajna to kill Rama with mystic power in truth with occult science, that night was absolutely restless for Sita there to know about that even but his head was removed yet Ravana was not killed, He enquired from her local guardian name Trijata who served her like anything, mother why not you tell me, how this monster will attain to death, Said Trijata, O, wonderful princess, only secret of his life is this that he has installed you in his heart that why Rama is not sending arrows at heart to dispatch this monster, and playing tactics with him cutting his heads again and again to divert his mind from you, as he got distract from this phenomena his attention will not be on you, when you will not be in heart, Rama will fired a shaft at his heart and he will be killed in fraction of second, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Last moment

 Jai Sri Ram,

Ravana attacks from all sides and makes it tough for the monkeys, Laxman reaches the spot to rescue the monkeys from his deadliest net, Ravana shouts at Laxman, I was looking for you the killer of my son, your death is sure for now, and attacked Laxman, Laxman assailed him with his shafts destroy his carrier, Ravana used the gift of Brahma to kill Laxman right at his chest, he dropped on the ground, Hanuman takes the front, Rama made Laxman fit to regain self and carry on with the battle, 

Ravana hurled many mystic techniques on Hanuman to dispatch him, Laxman reached to rescue him and struck down the charioteer making Ravan recognize the might of ANANTA that Laxman, by now Ravana has realized the might of the two brothers he creates havoc for other than these two and awaits sunset to perform a mystic Yajna to regain to the occult power inherited to him through divine sources, 

Meanwhile, the vast demon host with its overcrowded ranks, monkey warriors saw masses of mystic clouds heading towards them, a terror of death danced like anything, a most unholy river of blood that smote recreants, ran across the battlefield, warriors fell here and there like the trees on its banks, ghost and goblins and higher genil with shaggy mass took their plunge, Yoginis storing blood in skulls for mysticism to reach themselves, myriads of headless trunks trolled along, and yelled, Ravana thought to himself that demons have been wiped out and I am left alone while monkeys are still numerous, let me create the illusion, Rama cut short his illusion, and manifest before him once more, 

Said Ravana, listen, O hermit, I am not among those you have vanquished in the battle, My Namae is Ravana, you slew Khara, Dushna, and Viradha, killed poor Vali as a hunter from hidden reality, Kumbhakaran, and Meganada but I am not among them, be warned, Rama said, you said truly you are not like them, but prate no more show your velour, do not ruin your reputation by begging, Ravana laughed when he heard Rama, teaching wisdom in fear of death, but did not shrink from wagging war against me, now it seems you hold your life now dear that very dear at this last moment, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

the chariot to conquer

 Jai Sri Ram,

On the death of Meganada, Angada, and Hanuman said, blessed is your mother, then Hanuman lifted his body with de respect and placed it at the gate of Lanka, Ravana consoled all womenfolk in various ways, quote, the entire universe is perishable, taught them wisdom through immersed in dismay of his most valuable loss, those who practice good morals themselves are few and far between, Ravana open it to all those scared of the war can detain them here itself but in the battlefield, or to pay the hefty price there,

At the dawn of the day, Ravana entered the battle irrespective of all kinds of bad omens applauding a hidden message for him, now the war was at its climax with total mystic reality from both sides, demons were applying it hard and Rama alone destroying in hidden ways, illusion ruling the truth of battle hard to differentiate who is who and to whom should quarrel, but glory to Rama was applauded from all sides and its echo was reaching all the celestial regions, Vibhishan disconcert when saw Rama on barefoot and Ravana on a mystic chariot, as Rama came to know about the distress of Vibhishan pacify him through the light of wisdom,

Know it as reality Vibhishan that the chariot to conquer the victory is quite another, Valour and fortitude are the wheels Truthfulness and good conduct are enduring banners and standards, even so, strength, discretion and self-control, and benevolence are the four horses, Adoration of God is Sarthi that expert driver, dispassion the shield and contentment the sword, again, charity is an axe, reason the fierce lance and the highest wisdom is a relentless bow, A pure and study mind is like a quiver, while quietude and the various forms of abstinence that Yamas and religious observance that Niyamas are a sheaf of sorrows, an homage to brahmans and one's own preceptor is an impenetrable coat of mail, there is no other equipment of victory as efficacious as this, My friend, he who owns such a chariot of piety shall have no enemy to conquer anywhere,

Vibhishan clasped the feet of the Lord, and Ravana threw his challenge, all gods Sddhas, and ancient sages in varying garbs watching this concluding chapter including Brahma, hacking the life on the battlefield is not a most concerned chapter,  the gallant monkeys and gregarious demons looked like so many infuriated forms of death separately fought against them, Ravana had his most reliable shield that austere penance of his consort that daughter of Maye Danava and embodiment of mystery, Laxman was giving cover to all monkeys and bears from mystic attacks of demons, Ravana manifest now in many forms and there were infinite Ravanas were there in the battlefield hard to distinguish the real but all attaching in real pace,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

I will kill them,

 Jai Sri Ram,

At the close of the day the two contending armies retired from the battlefield, the battle had proved exceedingly strenuous even to the stoutest warrior, Ravana eternally in dismay and externally lamented clasping the head of brother to his bosom, all are tight-lipped to speak a word about, Meghanada consoled his father and assured him of his heroism tomorrow, his might and occult truth, mystic reality and mysticism of his austere penance, 

At the dawn of the day was a battle beyond words, furious Meghanada was an infinite blaze at his heart to settle the score, every champion had its own truth to make of its own, Meghanatha ascended in the sky, appearing and disappeared like an intermittent pitch to gauze the enemy in his wrath, clouds fall short to his shout invest self in truth with his austere in occult science to punish the enemy, it was Bhado month which showering the arrows like rain from all sides, Magh constellation in Bhadra pada on its own intuition to support Meghanada, day denotes him and lastly he releases arrows that take the form of deadliest snakes, learned from Maye Danava to conquer the inconquerable battle and hereupon Rama accept his challenge and attain to Naag Paash in sports of battle, this makes him faint deep till his soul, soon recover half-heartedly but never face his father being ashamed of being in pitiable condition bare from all strength by the impact of Jambvaan, go ahead at his mystic remote place for an invincible Yajna to regain his lost power with even more than ever before, 

The doings of Rama are hard to perceive from the logical aspects of mortal life, as the Jamvany saw it, he rushed and paused the Meghanada through his mystic skill to neutralize his power altogether, and threw him on the other side of Lanka, eternally approached Narada to send Garuda to rescue the due from Naag Pash, Garuda reached the site in a fraction of a second and start his job to untie the knots of mystic deadliest snakes, Rama and Laxman regained to their self after this mild sport of battle, thereby returned Garuda by bowing his head to his master after his task is over, 

There, the spy of Vibhishan revealed the truth about Yajna being performed by the Meghanada and he informed and dispatched a respective gang of monkeys to disrupt his austere to become incomparable to win over death even,, special monkeys versed with mysticism and disrupt his Yajna and the day broke once again in the battlefield, Laxman bow to Sri Rama and Take a vow to dispatch the Meghanada to the nether world by the sunset, Rama blessed him and there had been an unprecedented battle, more mystic than physical, Meghanada assumed the form of illusion, it was hard to locate him though he was nearby, Laxman and Meganada had applied themself like anything to sweep the battle, it is not the day of Meghanada, he saw his death in front of him many a time and lastly Laxman made him met with, He killed Meghanada but respect his dignity of being a might warrior, he give up his ghost with words till his last breath, where is Rama's younger brother, where is Laxman, where is Ram, I will kill them, it was known to him that Rama is a Vishnu and truth of Laxman right from the begenings and revealed it to her mother too but he was an most obideint son apart from being a great warrior, and lay down his life to cost it, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please