Saturday, July 20, 2024

Listen dear Garuda

 Jai Sri Ram,

Listen dear Garuda, there is no other form is as good as human body, every living creature including gods crave for it, it a truth to attain to beatitude and could be a mean to downgrade self to the lowest species among all,

Men failed to attain to Sri Hari ever after attaining this unique form, wellow in basest pleasures of senses is alike throwing this philosopher stone for worldly pebbles, THERE IS NO MISERY AS TERRIBLE AS POVERTY IN THIS WORLD, NO BLESSING AS GREAT AS COMMUNION WITH SAINTS,

A vow of nonviolence is highest religious merit, there is no sin is grievous as speaking ill of others, 

Diseases of the mind, from which everyone suffers, infatuation is the root of all ailments from these again arise many troubles,     Lust is counterpart of wind,    inordinate Greed corresponds to an abundance of phelms,    while Anger represents bile which constantly burns the beast,   should all these three combined results in Sannipat that derangement of the aforesaid three humours, causing fever,      craving for the manyfold pleasures of senses, difficult to realize, are various distempers, too numerous to name,    feeling of mineness corresponds to ringworm,    envy represents itches while JOY and GRIEF corresponds to the diseases of throat that enlargement of glands    grudging contemplation of other's happiness represents consumption,    while weakness and perversity of soul corresponds to leprosy,   Egotism is a counterpart of most painful gout,    while hypocrisy, DECEIT, ARROGANCE AND PRIDE corresponds to disease known as Dracontiasis,,,,, thirst of enjoyment represents the most advanced type of dropsy,,,,,, while three types of craving PROGENY RICHES AND HONOR  corresponds to the violent quartan argu, jealousy and thoughtlessness are the two types of fever, there are many more fell diseases, too numerous to mention 

May lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Seven questions,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Vedas are compared to the ocean of milk, spiritual wisdom plays the role of mount Mandara, while saints are the gods who chum out nectar in the form of the sacred legends, and devotion represents its sweetness,

Using dispassion as a shield for the self defence, and slaying with the sword of wisdom enemies in the form of vanity, greed and infatuation, 

It is devotion to Sri Hari that triumphs, ponder and realize this, O king of birds, Garuda further submitted in loving tones, if you cherish fondness for me, my gracious master, kindly recognize me to be your servant and answer me the following Seven questions

Please tell me that which form of all is most difficult to obtain, next tell me briefly which is greatest misery and again which is the highest pleasure, please describe the innate essentials of a Saint, and please also tell me the highest religious merit, and please what is the most terrible sin, TELL ME IN UNAMBIGUOUS TERMS THE DISEASES OF THE MIND,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

easy devices for finding it, but luckless souls attempts harder

 Jai Sri Ram,

There are easy devices for finding it, but luckless souls attempts harder methods, The Vedas and Puranas represents holy mountains, and the stories of Sri Rama, the many glorious mines located in their midst,

The saints are the expert mineralogists and their pertaining intellect, the pickaxe, while spiritual wisdom and dispassion are the two eyes for surveying the mines, any creature who looks for it with faith and succeeds in discovering this gem of devotion, that a mine of blessings, 

I have this conviction in my heart that servant of Rama is greater than Sri Rama himself, while Sri Rama is the ocean and wise saints are rain clouds, while Sri Hari is sandal tree, saints represents the winds, devotion to Sri Hari, which is so delightful, is reward of all spiritual endeavors,

None has ever secured it except through a saint, realizing this whoever cultivates the fellowship of saints finds devotion to Sri Rama easy of attainment, O king of the birds,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, a day from celestial cult to update self in truth with eternity of self through mild application of self,

It needs no extra efforts but a feeling for the truth of the day to make it and reach at,

Indeed a unified day to personify self with personality of eternal self that enlightened by nature but clouded with aspects of Maya in mundane sphere,

Lord Vishnu help devotees like anything and the flux of this day help devotees to make it and imbibe the best from the cult to update inherent cult of self through mild application of self in discipline of the day, 

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The ocean of transmigration cannot be crossed without cultivating

 Jai Sri Ram,

The ocean of transmigration cannot be crossed without cultivating the same feeling of Sri Rama as a servant cherished towards his master, knowing this to be an established doctrine, adore the lotus feet of Rama that can make animate to inanimate and inanimate to animate, soul that adore such an omnipresent Lord are blessed,

Bhusandi Said, I have expounded the established doctrine relating to Gnosis, hear now the virtue of devotion like a jewel, indeed wish yielding gem an embodiment of supreme effulgence that sheds its radiance day and night, requiring neither a vessel nor clarified butter nor a wick, He in those heart, such a jewel abides is not haunted by poverty in the shape of infatuation, 

No blast of greed can ever extinguish this light, which dispels the overpowering gloom of ignorance and the swarms of mouths keep away in a mood of frustration, vicious propensities like lust dare not to approach him in whose heart the gem of devotion abides, for him venom is transformed into ambrosia and enemies turn into friends, nobody can attain happiness without this jewel,

Again, he is never attacked by the terrible mental diseases from which all living beings are grievously suffering, He in whose heart the gem of devotion to Sri Ram abides cannot have the least woe even in dream, they alone are paragons of wisdom in this world, who spare no pain to secure this gem, although this jewel is manifest in the world, none can find it without the grace of Sri Rama, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 15, 2024

supreme state of the final beatitude

 Jai Sri Ram,

But this supreme state of the final beatitude is most difficult to attain, so declare by the saints as well as Puranas, Vedas and Agamas, , By worshipping Sri Rama, the same unsolicited even against our will

Water cannot stay except on land notwithstanding our best efforts, even so, mark you, the joy of final beatitude cannot stay apart from devotion to sri Hari, 

Realizing this, the wise devotees spurn that emancipation and remain enamoured of devotion, which is root cause of metempsychosis , is eradicated without any effort or extension, 

In the same way as we eat for our own gratification but the gastric fire digest the food so eaten without any effort of our part, what fool is there who does not welcome such devotion to Sri Hari, which is so easy and delightful at the same time,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

final emancipation

 Jai Sri Ram,

When the light of wisdom is thus extinguished, the soul then goes again through the manifold agonies of transmigration,

Sri Hari's deluding potency is most difficult to cross, it can not easily be crossover, 

Gnosis is difficult to expound, difficult to grasp and difficult to achieve through practice,

And if by chance one succeeds in attaining it, there many impediments in the way of preserving it, the Path of wisdom is like the edge of a sword, one is opt to fall from it very soon, he alone who successfully treads it attain to the supreme state of final emancipation, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please