Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Rama,

Sri Ekadasi today, a most viable resort to soul in its wild journey of mystic planet which is full of mysticism, 

Life has noticed time and again and at all junctions of life, many irrelevant subjects which create extra friction for Atman, who is already in embodied form with its extreme limitations, 

In Due course of time reached at an opportunity to sooth self for the referral as well as ultimate cause of being on planet, 

That is excessively decorated with beauty divine to charm the spirit, as the blooming rose with its leaves, thrones, roots and all entangles, so is the truth of Sri Ekadasi, a milestone in the fortnight quarter before the new and full moon, 

Jai Siya Rama, 

Friday, September 27, 2024

canopies of creepers

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Seven books are the seven beautiful lights of steps, which the soul delights to look upon with the eyes of wisdom, the unqualified and unbounded greatness of Rama, which will be presently discussed, represents the unfathomable, depth of this holy water,

The glory of Rama and Sita constitute the nectorian water, the similes represents the soul ravishing sport of its wavelets, the beautiful caupais represents the thick growth of lotus plants, the various poetic devices constitute the lovely shells that yield beautiful pearls, other alike are cluster of charming lotuses,

The incomparable senses, the beautiful ideas and the elegant expression represents the pollen, honey and fragrance of those flowers respectively, the virtuous acts mentioned therein are the charming swarms of bees, the references to spiritual enlightenments, dispassion and reason represents the swan, 

The implications and involutions and the various excellences and styles of poetry are the lovely fishes of various kinds, the four ends of human existence, viz, worldly riches, religious merits, enjoyment and liberation, the reckoning exhaustion of Jnana that knowledge of God in his absolute formless aspects, and Vijnana that knowledge of qualified divinity both with and without form, the nine sentiments of poetry, and reference to the Japa the muttering of mystic formulae, austerity, Yoga that contemplative unison with God, and detachment from the world and all these represents the charming aquatic creatures of this lake, Eulogies on various men, pious souls and the name of God, these correspond to water birds of various kinds, the assemblage of saints referred to herein are the mango grooves hemming the lake on all sides and piety has been likened to  the vernal season, the exposition of the various types of devotion and the references to forbearance, compassion, and sense control represents the canopies of creepers, 

Jai Siya Ram 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

four most beautiful excellent dialogue

 Jai Sri Ram,

Invoking Goddess Parvati, and Lord Shiva, I proceed to give a full account as to what this Ramacaritamanasa is like, how it come to be and what lead to its popularity in the world,

Author has polished his composition to the best of his intellect, yet listen to it with sympathetic mind, a refined intellect is catchment area, heart is fathomless depression, Vedas and Puranas constitute the ocean, while holy men represents the clouds which rain down pure, sweet, agreeable and blessed water in the form of Rama's excellent glory, pastimes of a personal God that holy men narrate in extenso are the transparency of this water, which cleans the impurities, while loving devotion, which defies all description, represents its sweetness and coolness, 

The water is beneficial for the paddy crop in the form of virtuous deeds, it is life itself to the devotees of Rama,The same holy water, when it dropped on the soil of intellect, flowed through the beautiful channel of the ears and, collecting the lovely spot called heart, came to the stationary, having remained there for long time, it became clear, agreeable, cool and refreshing,

The four most beautiful excellent dialogue those in between, Bhusandi and Garuda, Shiva and Parvati, Yajnavalakya and Bhardwaj, between tulsidas and other saints, that have been cleverly woven into this narrative are the four lovely Ghatas of this holy and charming lake, 

Jai Siya Ram

Jai Siya Rama 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

O Noble Souls,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The holy and beautiful Ramacaritamanasa is the delight of sages, it was conceived by Shiva, it puts down the three kind of error, sorrow and indigence, 

It uproots all the evil practices and impurities of the kali age, heaving conceived it, Shiva treasured it in his mind till, when a favorable opportunity presented itself, 

He communicated it to his consort, therefore after due consideration Shiva joyously gave it the excellent title of Ramacaritamanasa, 

I repeat the same delightful and charming story, hear it reverently and attentively, O Noble Souls, 

Jai Siya Ram

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

sight and touch of the Sarayu

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Very sight and touch of the Sarayu, a dip into its water or a draught from the cleanses one's sins, 

The beautiful town of Ayodhya grants an abode in sri Rama's heaven, it is celebrated through all the worlds belonging to the four species,

That Viviparous, oviparous, sweat born and those shooting from the earth, who so ever shed their mortal coil in Ayodhya are never born again, 

Knowing the town to be charming in everyway, a bestower of all forms of success and storehouse of blessings, I commenced writing this sacred story there, the impulses of lust, arrogance and hypocrisy positively disappears from the mind of those who hear it, 

Jai Siya Ram,  

Monday, September 23, 2024

1631 that 1575 AD, on Tuesday, the ninth of lunar month Chaitra, story shed its luster in Ayodhya,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Rama is infinite, infinite are his virtues,

The dimensions of his story are also immeasurable,

Those whose thoughts are pure will, thereupon, feel no surprise when they hear it, 

With humble supplication to all, proceed to recount the virtues of Rama, I commenced this story in the Samvat year 1631 that 1575 AD, on Tuesday, the ninth of lunar month Chaitra, story shed its luster in Ayodhya, on Rama's birth, infinite sagacious souls and gods come and pay their homage to Rama, and celebrate the Birthday festival, numerous pious men take dip in the holy water of Celestial Sarayu, muttering the name of Sri Rama,

Jai Siya Ram, 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

exploits of Rama

 Jai Sri Ram,

The exploits of Rama are delightful to one and all even as the rays of the full moon, they are particularly agreeable and highly beneficial to the mind of the virtuous, who can be compared to the white lily and Cakora bird, 

I shall relate now at some length the seed of the story, how goddess Bhavani questioned lord Sankara and how Sankara answered her questions, weaving a strange narrative round this episode, let no one who should happen not to have heard this anecdote before be surprised to hear it, 

Wise men who hear this uncommon, legend marvel not, for they know there is no limit to the stories of Rama, they are convinced in their heart that Rama has embodied himself forth in diverse ways and that the Ramayana, though consisting of a thousand million verses, is yet infinite,

Great sages have diversely sung the charming stories of Sri Hari, relating as they do to different Kalpas or cycles, bearing this in mind the reader should not entertain any doubt and should hear this narrative reverently and with devotion

Jai Siya Rama,