Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sri Akshaya Tithi

 Jai Sri Ram,

Salutation to that Brahma known in the Name of Vishnu, known for his gracious truth to help the devotees in the journey of their referral as well as virtual cause, 

Salutation to that Brahma known as absolute in terms of Tatvagya, the power beyond the perceptive skill of embodied soul, a reality that hardly appears in its visible forms to identity in truth with embodied soul,

Salutation to that Brahma, that known in the form of tangible help to the embodied spirit in truth with the occasion and the cause that to lead spirit for its sole cause, 

Salutation to the Brahma that none other than Vishnu who incarnated as Bhagwan Parshurama for a defined cause that helps the weak and depraved on varying subjects of life, on his favorable Tithi Akshaya in nature that act as wish yielding tree to the devotees and aspirants on the path of truth and submission, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Rejoice in Ayodhya but the agony in the heart of gods

 Jai Sri Ram,

Extolling Sri Rama's goodness, amiability, and noble disposition, Vashista said, thrilled over with emotion, the king has made preparations for the installation ceremony, he would invest you with regal powers, Rama, you should observe righteous austerity today so that God may bring this affair to a happy conclusion, then Guru return to his hermitage, 

On that very occasion Laxman steeped in love with rapture, greeted him with endearing words, all prayed for Bharat to return from his maternal uncle's home, blessed hour to start tomorrow, the object of desire will be accomplished,

Rejoice in Ayodhya but the agony in the heart of gods who wants Rama to visit the aspirants and sages that awaiting him for a long for his arrival in the incarnation, they invoke goddess Saraswati and supplicated her, mother manipulate things in such a way today that Rama retire to the forest for the cause of gods and saints, 

Time takeover the whip to oblige the gods though goddess Saraswati was not in favor, destiny yielded in its own truth, Kaikeyi Servant Manthara play the role of truth with referral cause and invoke Kaikaeyi unto truth being franchised for installing Rama with regal powers, convince her to trap King in his vow and the boons he awarded to the queen to install Bharata instead of Rama and ask exile for Rama, not less than fourteen years,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please

Thursday, April 20, 2023

ornament of the solar race that you are,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sage Vashista gladly said in soft ascends, Fatch water from all principal sacred sources, then enumerate auspicious objects for the coronation of a king, promising designs should be made on the walls, mango leaves, render service in every form to the Brahmans,

King Dasaratha adored Brahmans, holy men, and gods to invoke blessings for the welfare of Sri Rama, That very time the ladies were delighted to hear all about, gathering lovely sports on perceiving waxing moon, 

Rama reverently bowed his head in honor of Guru, and wash his lotus feet to mark eternal respect, clasped his feet with Sita, and spoke thus A master visit to his servant's house is the root of all blessings and a panacea for all evils, 

Sage applauded Sri Rama and Said, it is but meets, O Rama, that you say so, the ornament of the solar race that you are,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

let Rama be invested with regal powers

 Jai Sri Ram,

Kind Said, My Lord, let Rama be invested with regal powers, pray, command me so that necessary preparations may be set on foot, and let this happy event take place in my lifetime, by the Lord's blessings Shiva has allowed everything to pass smoothly, this is only longing that I have in my mind, 

Listen, O King, aversion to Sri Rama makes one repent, while his adoration is the only means of soothing the agony of one's heart, 

O King, let there be no delay, that day itself is auspicious and full of blessings when Rama is proclaimed regent,

The king returns to his Palace and summoned his servants and counselors including Sumantra, they bowed to King saying victory to you, said the king, whatever orders the great sage Vashista may be pleased to give in connection with Rama's incarnation should be carried out,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

before you entertain the desire

 Jai Sri Ram,

From the day Sri Rama returned home duly married, there were new festivities and jubilant music every day, All cherished in their heart a common desire and said in their prayer to Lord Shiva, would the king in his own lifetime appoint Sri Rama as his regent,

One day king was overjoyed to hear the fair renown of Rama, entering the idea into his mind and finding an auspicious day and a suitable opportunity the king communicated it to his Guru with his body thrilled over the emotions and his mind filled with rapture, 

Said the king, listen O chief of Sages, Rama is now accomplished in every day, all the people of the City hold Sri Rama as dear as anything, it seems benediction in itself has incarnated in his lovely form, praise the sage from the truth of his heart for his gracious nature, one longing remains to obtain in my heart that too will be your grace,

Said the sage, O king, your very name and glory grant all one's desires, the object of your heart, that accomplished before you entertain the desire, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, April 17, 2023

four rewards of human life

 Jai Sri Ram,

May he in whose lap shines forth the daughter of the mountain king, who carries the celestial stream on his head, on whose brow rests the crescent moon, whose throat holds poison and whose breast is the support of a huge serpent, and who is adorned by the ashes on his body, may that chief of gods, the lord of all, the destroyer of the universe, the omnipresent Shiva, the moon like Sankara, ever protect us, 

May the splendor of Sri Rama's lotus-like face, which neither grew brighter at the prospect of his being installed on the throne of Ayodhya nor was dimmed by the painful experience of exile in the woods, ever bring sweet felicity on us, 

I adore Sri Rama, the lord of Raghus's race, whose limbs are as dark and soft as a blue lotus, who has Sta enthroned on his left and who holds in his hand a mighty bow and graceful bow, 

Cleansing the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of the revered Guru, I sing Sri Rama's untarnished glory, that bestows the four rewards of human life,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ram,

Sri Ekadasi today, a mystic day that embodiment of meaningful truth which drives spirit to the truth of inherent eternity for the cause eternal,

The truth of the day is infinite in itself yet approachable by devotees who in faith with submission, 

Not just a day to charm self in love with the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu but a day that supports the self for fair compliance of the journey to reach a safe shore,

Not that easy to perceive the truth of the day, not that difficult to adore the truth of the day to meet the inherent truth of self,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please