Saturday, April 23, 2011

God is generous

God is generous beyond measure and he has given the life to individual spirit to carry on with on the planet to experience the feeling that makes one merge in the ocean of bliss. To sustain the life God has created nature that facilitate the life in varying forms to feed it, to serve it and to guide it suitable through its pace.

Since God is true preceptor of the whole world in visible and invisible form, in visible form God guides the life through the varying modes of life to experience the truth that lies in and in invisible mode it appears in mind of individual with respect to one’s faith one keep for, to guide suitable.

Lord who is in dweller of hearts guides as sat-guru but one hardly listen to, because ego disrupt the pace to follow in.

God is a great savior, he protects man in his most agonizing state in the womb of the mother, and at the time one makes pledge to god that he will realize him on the cord of life to attain liberation from the bondage of illusion but.

We all living beings are fragment of God; therefore he is not our Guru alone but father mother and disinterested friend too. One has to accept his affinity with god to make life success.

It does not need any middle man to make us reach at who is our own in all respect, we have emerge from and we have to merge in, it needs to realize him to cut short the distance between emerge and merge.

May lord bless all

Thanks please

Friday, April 22, 2011


Almighty lord is supreme reality that consists of existence-knowledge and bliss all that exists in one; do called supreme super-consciousness. Almighty lord is supreme truth ultimately one face at its conclusion.

Life on the planet is nothing but a journey that needs truth to carry on with, behavior matters the most in this journey of life. Attitude plays the vital role for conclusion of the journey.

Ultimate destination of journey is none other than supreme reality but only on the successful completion of cycle that needs fairness unto self.

In this journey of life one has to prove self on the cord of truth to merge in the ocean of bliss so called supreme consciousness.

To make this journey meaningful one needs to adore truth, be kind to fellow beings, experience the love, needs to be generous and gentle in attitude, be content with lot one possesses and thankful to god even for the hurdles one face in the journey of life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Thursday, April 21, 2011

one easy way

There are three kinds of error that cause suffering on the cord of life are relating thoughts words and deeds; birth, death and old age constitute the three kinds of sorrow and three kind of indigence referred as poverty of body, poverty in men and poverty of means.

There is one easy way to get rid of all the three kind of errors one face while subjected to life as human that is divine name-chant it and be with self to disassociate the errors that follows.

Name is greater than the absolute that confer blessings even on the bestower of boons. Lord extended his protection to few devotees on his incarnation but name of lord has showered its grace on numerous humble souls and this superb glory of the name shines forth in the world as well as in the ancient books.

Lord conferred immortality on his faithful servants while his name has delivered innumerable beings and tale of its virtues is well known on the cord of life.

Glory of name is infinite; it dispels an abstract thing like fear of rebirth. Seeker of truth easily makes it to reach at just by tracking the name alone. Mystic remains awaken and enlighten though the lamp of name even in the deep dark of delusion.

Those aspire to know the mysterious ways of providence are able to comprehend them by muttering the name alone.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Truth, to understand truth one needs to be truthful at its inner base. To speak truth, one needs to have a heart full of courtesy and one need to be wakeful while to express so, to visualize truth, it needs inner vision too to have glimpse of truth at its true pace.

Truth of mundane existence is one thing; truth of illusive world is other. Truth of material science is one thing; truth of self is entirely different than that.

Truth is a delicate matter that needs all care and conscious while to interact with, truth is a nectar that gives bliss but truth is a fire too that vanish every thing come across.

Speaking truthful words means to say such words which convey a correct idea with true spirit in best state of awareness to indicate the best part of it.

There are many things true on the cord of life but needs covering on the plane of mundane existence. Truth must indicate welfare of one and all is the quotes of true saints.

Indeed truth is must for being human, indeed truth is the essence of life, indeed truth is the light that paves the path for welfare in both the worlds, but still it needs all care and conscious while to deal with-wakeful state is must to interact with truth.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A noble and devoted wife

God has created two paths in broad-spectrum for individual soul to back at home {emancipation}, one is knowledge and other is devotion; to attain the supremacy on the subject both needs submission.

Ordinary man with lot of if and buts on the cord of illusion can make it to reach at through devotion.

Wise can make it to reach at through the wisdom of knowledge but one must be aware of ill effects of ego on the path of knowledge as devotion is designed itself on the path of submission where as knowledge needs to practice submission to optimize the pace of ego.

A true devotee of god cannot entertain the feeling of repugnance towards any creature or anything as such; for he knows that it is God that alone resides as self in the heart of all creatures.

Hate to any one will be tantamount to hating supreme one itself and derail the purpose of being human even.

He who realize this universal fact unto self and the supreme, take every decree of God as cheerfully as a devoted wife would take the decision of her husband. A noble and devoted wife likes only those things are liked by her husband so is the fate of those truly on the path of devotion.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, April 18, 2011

True devotee

Pure devotee is soul who is forever surrender to the lord, just as child is surrendered to his parents. Pure devotee is one that accepts all circumstances of life as gift of god.

True devotee is one that ever keeps smile for his master even in pains of mundane existence.

A true devotee is one that rejoices the glimpse of lord in his vision apart from illusion. True devote serve the nature and life as that serving to the lotus fee of lord.

True devotees loves god and ever remains ready to sacrifice to prove so.

True devotees of lord always feel self meek and humble. True devotees of God believe firmly in the lord’s protection.

True devotees feel exclusively dependent on the mercy of Lord. True devote is one that keeps heart full of compassion and mercy.

True devotee is that ever keeps longing for, engage mind in thinking of, offering obeisance and worship lord through varying available means wrapped with truth of self.

True devotee is one that remains completely absorbed and intoxicated in divine love.

Sri Sri Hanuman ji is known as true devotee of Lord Rama and today his appearance day is being celebrated with all faith and submission-I make obeisance in the lotus feet of Sri Sri Hanuman ji on this very auspicious occasion.

I make obeisance in the lotus feet of true devotees of Lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, April 17, 2011

truth unto self and the supreme

Indeed this world is beautiful being the creation of God. Life on the planet is beauty at its best. Wakeful state is only available to human in life that can realize the both inner and outer world on the cord of beauty.

Acceptance of mind gives pleasure either it is a dream state or the state that immense in mundane existence. To experience the beauty of life at its right pitch one needs wakeful state.

Sensual pleasure is one thing but eternal joy is other, pleasure of the world may needs wealth of the mundane existence but eternal joy needs realization unto self and the supreme. Sensual pleasure never last so long but the eternal joy.

Sensual pleasure may dip one to the ocean of transmigration if held without fairness of love but eternal joy writes the script of journey that leads to peace and bliss here after, indeed divine love facilitate.

State of wakefulness is higher state of consciousness that go beyond the limitation of day to day sustenance, everyday state of consciousness is a dream of comparison to the reality that awaits within; in wakeful state one enters in the region of light within that gives the truth unto self and the supreme and this is delight that paves in through true meditation.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please