Sunday, April 17, 2011

truth unto self and the supreme

Indeed this world is beautiful being the creation of God. Life on the planet is beauty at its best. Wakeful state is only available to human in life that can realize the both inner and outer world on the cord of beauty.

Acceptance of mind gives pleasure either it is a dream state or the state that immense in mundane existence. To experience the beauty of life at its right pitch one needs wakeful state.

Sensual pleasure is one thing but eternal joy is other, pleasure of the world may needs wealth of the mundane existence but eternal joy needs realization unto self and the supreme. Sensual pleasure never last so long but the eternal joy.

Sensual pleasure may dip one to the ocean of transmigration if held without fairness of love but eternal joy writes the script of journey that leads to peace and bliss here after, indeed divine love facilitate.

State of wakefulness is higher state of consciousness that go beyond the limitation of day to day sustenance, everyday state of consciousness is a dream of comparison to the reality that awaits within; in wakeful state one enters in the region of light within that gives the truth unto self and the supreme and this is delight that paves in through true meditation.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please