Saturday, June 29, 2024

assumed various forms, but my understanding never left me,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Guru Rejoiced to heard the words of Lord Shiva through ethereal voice, and cried AMEN,

After admonishing me he returned home, with the image of Shiva's lotus feet impressed upon his heart, 

Driven by the fate I went to Vindhya mountains and was reborn as a serpent and again, when some time has elapsed, I easily dropped that form, whatever form I assumed, dropped again with utmost ease, even a man would cast off clothes, and put on a new set, Shiva vindicated the Vedic Law, while I was spared the agony involved in birth and death,

In this way, I assumed various forms, but my understanding never left me, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, June 28, 2024

treasure up this counsel in your heart

 Jai Sri Ram,

Now do that which may bring him supreme blessedness, O fountain of mercy, On hearing Brahman's words, steeped as they were in charity, the heavenly voice replied, SO BE IT,

Although he has committed a grievous sin and I in my wrath have pronounced a curse on him, yet, realizing your goodness, I shall do him a special favor, O holy Brahman, they who are of forgiving disposition and beneficent are dear to me as Sri Rama,

O Brahman, MY CURSE SHALL NOT GO IN VAIN, this fellow shall surely pass through a thousand incarnations, but the terrible agony in each successive birth and death shall not effect him in least, Hear O Sudra, my authentic words, in none of your births shall your awareness of previous existence leave you, in the first you will born in the capital of Sri Rama,and besides that you set your heart on my worship, due to the miraculous power of the holy city and by my grace, devotion to sri Rama spring up in your bosom, 

Hear my solemn declaration, a vow to serve the Brahmanas is the surest means of propitiating Sri Hari, even he who does does not succumb to the stroke of Indra's thunderbolt, my own mighty triadent, the rod of death and the terrible discus of Sri hari, is consumed by the fire of hostility with the Brahmanas, treasure up this counsel in your heart and there will be nothing in the world which may be difficult for you to attain, I BESTOWS ONE MORE BLESSING ON YOU, YOU SHALL HAVE UNOBSTRUCTED ACCESS EVERYWHERE,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

wanders from one womb to another, in error

 Jai Sri Ram,

This hymn of Eight verses was recited by the Brahman in order to propitiate Lord Shiva, Shiva is pleased with those men who devotedly repeat it,

All wise Shiva heard the Brahman and saw his devotion, an ethereal voice issued from the temple again, Ask for boon, O great Brahman, 

If, my lord, you are pleased with me and if, my master, you are affectionate to the meek, First bless me with devotion to your feet and then grant me another Boon, 

Overcome by your Maya, individual soul that Jiva constantly wanders from one womb to another, in error, therefore, O all merciful Lord, BE NOT ANGRY WITH HIM, NOW BE GRACIOUS TO THIS CREATURE, O SANKARA, COMPASSIONATE AS YOU ARE TO THE HUMBLE, SO THAT YOUR CURSE MAY PROVE A BLESSING TO HIM NOT LONG AFTERWARD,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

O Lord Shambhu,

Jai sri Ram,

I adore you, O guardian of north east quarter, ruler of the whole universe, eternal bliss personified, omnipresent that all pervading Brahma, manifest in the form of Vedas, Worship Lord Shiva that shining in his own glory, devoid of material attributes, undifferentiated, desireless and all pervading conscious, having nothing to wrap about himself except the ether, I bow to the transcendent and extra cosmic, beyond speech understanding and senses perception, terrible yet gracious, seed of the mystic syllable Om, 

I adore You, the ruler of Kailash and devour even of the Kaal, the time spirit, and abode of virtues, Adore you all merciful Sankara, who is loved by all, yet unfathomable, possessed of form white as snow clad Himalaya, radiant with beauty of cupids whose head is sparkled with lovely stream of Ganga, brow is adorned by the crescent moon, neck coiled by serpents, mystic pendants in ears lobes, cheerful countenance and blue speck of his neck, 

I take refuge in spouse of Bhavani, the supreme lord exalted by nature, intrepid, indivisible, unborn and invested with the glory of a myriad suns, who roots out the threshold agony and hold trident, accessible only through love, beyond number, ever blessed, bringing about universal destruction at the end of each round of creation, source of perpetual delight to the virtuous, slayer of Tripura, consciousness and bliss personified, dispeller of delusion, Be prepotitious my Lord, Be prepotitious, O destroyer of cupid, 

So long as they worship not the lotus feet of Uma's Lord, there is no happiness nor peace nor cessation of suffering for men either in this world or the next, therefore, be propitious, my Lord, dwelling as you do in the heart of all living beings, I know not Yoga, nor Japa, nor rituals, simply bow to you at all times and at every moment, O Shambhu, Pray, protect me, my lord, miserable and afflicted by suffering attendant on the old age and birth and death as I am O Lord Shambhu, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Guru raised a pitious wail

 Jai Sri Ram,

The Guru raised a pitious wail as he heard Lord Shiva's terrible curse,

When he saw me trembling with fear, deep agony possessed his soul, 

Reflecting on my awful fate, the Brahmana prostrated himself before Shiva,

With joined Palms and his voice chocked with emotion, he prayed as Follows,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, June 24, 2024

cast into hell for a myriad Yugas

 Jai Sri Ram, 

One day I was repeating Shiva's name in a temple sacred to Lord Shiva, when my Guru came in,

But in my pride I did not rise to greet Him, he was so gracious to say anything, but grievous sin of showing disrespect to a Guru was more than the Shiva could tolerate,

An ethical voice proceeded from the temple itself, You wretched and conceited fool, even though your Guru has no anger on him and he is very tender hearted and possessed of true and perfect wisdom, Yet I must pronounce a Curse on you, for transgression of propriety is loathsome to me,

Bear malice against Guru are cast into hell for a myriad Yugas, after that take birth in subhuman species and suffer torment for then thousand successive existence, since you remained rooted to your seat like a python, Take form of snake, condemned to that wile state, go and take up your abode in the hollow of some huge tree,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

a wicked fellow should be avoided

 JaiSri Ram,

A wretch impure of mind, low born and overcome by infatuation, I was filled with jealousy at the very sight of Hari or  Brahman, and hated God vishnu, distressed to see the conduct my preceptor would admonish me everyday, but on hearing his admonition with rage, 

Can Sober council appeal to a Hypocrite, one day my preceptor call me and taught me wisdom in every possible way, The sole reward, my son, of worshipping Lord Shiva is uninterrupted devotion to Sri Rama's feet, Shiva himself as well as Brahma, dear son, adore Sri Rama, of what account, then is a vile human being, Do you hope to attain happiness, O wretched soul, by harbouring ill will to him whose feet are loved by Brahma and Shiva himself,

When I heard my Guru speak of Lord Hara as a votary of Sri Hari, O Lord of the feathered kingdom, was all on fire, vile of descent as I was, the little learning that I had acquired turned me head even as a serpent becomes all more poisonous when fed milk,

My Guru was so tender hearted to have least anger in him, on the other hand, he gave me good advice time after time, Smoke which is product of fire, extinguishes the latter when attains to the dignity of cloud, the dust laying on the Road is held in contempt and is over trodden under foot by all, but when carried aloft by the wind, It first envelop the air itself and then descends on the eyes or diadem, listen, thus realizing this state of things, the wise shun the company of vile, one should always remains aloof from, a wicked fellow should be avoided even a dog, i did not appeal me even though it was well wholesome,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please