Wednesday, June 26, 2024

O Lord Shambhu,

Jai sri Ram,

I adore you, O guardian of north east quarter, ruler of the whole universe, eternal bliss personified, omnipresent that all pervading Brahma, manifest in the form of Vedas, Worship Lord Shiva that shining in his own glory, devoid of material attributes, undifferentiated, desireless and all pervading conscious, having nothing to wrap about himself except the ether, I bow to the transcendent and extra cosmic, beyond speech understanding and senses perception, terrible yet gracious, seed of the mystic syllable Om, 

I adore You, the ruler of Kailash and devour even of the Kaal, the time spirit, and abode of virtues, Adore you all merciful Sankara, who is loved by all, yet unfathomable, possessed of form white as snow clad Himalaya, radiant with beauty of cupids whose head is sparkled with lovely stream of Ganga, brow is adorned by the crescent moon, neck coiled by serpents, mystic pendants in ears lobes, cheerful countenance and blue speck of his neck, 

I take refuge in spouse of Bhavani, the supreme lord exalted by nature, intrepid, indivisible, unborn and invested with the glory of a myriad suns, who roots out the threshold agony and hold trident, accessible only through love, beyond number, ever blessed, bringing about universal destruction at the end of each round of creation, source of perpetual delight to the virtuous, slayer of Tripura, consciousness and bliss personified, dispeller of delusion, Be prepotitious my Lord, Be prepotitious, O destroyer of cupid, 

So long as they worship not the lotus feet of Uma's Lord, there is no happiness nor peace nor cessation of suffering for men either in this world or the next, therefore, be propitious, my Lord, dwelling as you do in the heart of all living beings, I know not Yoga, nor Japa, nor rituals, simply bow to you at all times and at every moment, O Shambhu, Pray, protect me, my lord, miserable and afflicted by suffering attendant on the old age and birth and death as I am O Lord Shambhu, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please